Ensure map always visible on load
New drawing logic - with increased clarity
Improved triple space/enter logic
Also works on root topics
Insert new level below option
Press and hold one of the 'new topic' toolbar buttons and the option to create a new child level is presented. This will insert a new 'generation' between the currently selected topic and its immediate children.
Create map based on selection pulls in map attributes (canvas style etc.)
New map creation option - folder structure
Try it on the root 'Maps' folder - very cool
Creates an index map with hyperlink topics
New file format (itmz) required for image support
There is a new 'native' iThoughts file format (itmz) This is just an itm file zipped up along with any images.
Now possible to move the root topic
Open .txt files containing TAB or 4xSPACE indented text files
Integrates with Freemind time management module (Due Date)
TextExpander now supported everywhere