MindMap Gallery Earth Science
Earth sciences are the fields of study concerned with the solid Earth, its waters, and the air that envelope it.
Edited at 2020-10-10 11:38:15Earth-Science-Mind-Map
Volcanoes and other Mountains
molten rock below the surface
partial melting of asthenosphere
partial melting of mantle rocks
partial melting of continental crust
molten rock at the surface
resistance to flow
depends on temperature andmagma composition
Less silica = Low viscosity
More silica = High viscosity
Products of Volcanic Eruptions
Volcanic Gases
water vapor, sulfur dioxide, carbondioxide
represents particles blasted into airby eruption
Lateral Blasts
can destroy objects
Pyroclastic Flow
dense cloud formed fromcombination of tephra and volcanicgases
Shield Volcanoes
broad, gentle slopes
built from many low viscosity lavaflows
most common volcano type
steeper slopes built fromalternating layers of tephra andmedium viscosity lava
Cinder cones
smallest volcanoes
built from more viscous magmaproducts
Earth and Universe
Origin of the Universe
Earth is the center of the planetarysystem
Proposed by Ptolomy
Sun is the center of the planetarysystem
Proposed by Copernicus
Size of the Universe
Brightness of Pulsating Stars
Brighter stars = closer to Earth
Dimmer stars = farther from Earth
Doppler Effect
apparent change in the frequencyof sound waves or light waves dueto the motion of the source relativeto an observer
Red shift
used to determine the distance tofar away galaxies
Big Bang Theory
Universe began in rapid expansion
Stars and Planets
Stars vary in size and age
3 Elements: Hydrogen, Oxygen,Carbon
Terrestrial Planets
Heavier, rocky planets closer to star
Jovian Planets
Lighter, gasrich planets fartherfrom star
Solar System
99.8%of total mass of the solarsystem
Sunspots coldest region
Solar Flares result in disruption ofSun's magnetic field
Solar wind stream of chargedparticles emitted from sun'smagnetic field
Earth, Sun and Seasons
Tilt of Earth 23.5 degrees
amount of solar energy reachingEarth's surface
Unique Composition of Earth
Liquid Water
essential for life on Earth
Gravity and Protective Atmosphere
protects us from harmful UV rays
Lifesustaining gases
A strong magnetic field
Megaearthquakes occur alongsubduction zones
A fracture in the crust on whichmovement has occured
location where movement begins onfault
location on surface above the focus
Fault Scarp
step in land surface formed bymovement on the fault
3 types of fault:
Normal Fault
Reverse Fault
StrikeSlip Fault
Seismic Gap
segments of active faults that havenot experienced recent movements
Seismic Waves
Vibrations caused by earthquake
Seismograph instrument
Seismogram printed record
2 Forms:
Surface Waves
Rayleigh Waves
vertical movement of surface
Love Waves
sidetoside movement
Body Waves
Primary Waves
first to arrive
parallel to travel direction
S Waves
second to arrive
perpendicular to travel direction
can't pass through liquids
standard measure of the energyreleased from an earthquake
measure of the effects of anearthquake
The Atmosphere
Atmosphere = Mixture of gases
first layer
where weather occurs and airplanes fly
where ozone layer is located
less oxygen molecules
block UV rays, Gamma rays and Xrays
Heat total energy
Temperature average kinetic energy
Solar Radiation
Visible light and Infrared make up more than90% of radiation at Earth's surface
Albedo reflectivity of a surface
Latent Heat
the amount of heat absorbed or released aswater changes state
amount of moisture in the air
Lower latitude, high pressure
Frontal Lifting two large air masses of differentdensities meet. Their boundary is a front. Thelighter warm air rises above the colder denser
Orographic Lifting air is forced to
rise over an obstruction such as
Convergence Lifting collision of
two air masses of similar temperature
forces some air upward since both air
masses cannot occupy the same
horizontal movement of air that rises indifferences of air pressures
Geologic Time
Superposition rocks at the bottom are
the oldest
Crosscutting older rocks
may be cut by younger rocks or features
Inclusion Younger rocks mayincorporate
pieces of older rocks
Index Fossils species that existed
for a relatively short period of
geologic time and found over
large geographic areas are the
best for precise correlations
Phanerozoic eon, Cenozoic era Present
Physical Weathering
Definition: represents the disintegration of rocks and minerals into smaller pieces
Unloading as overlying rocks erode, pressure is removed a process known as unloading and buried rocks expand upward
Wedging/ Frost Wedging when water gets into cracks and freezes, it expands and causes a rock to break apart
Growth of salt crystals in small openings occurs when minerals are precipitated as water containing salt moves through a crack
Chemical Weathering
Definition: decomposition of rock as a result ofthe chemical breakdown of minerals
Dissolution occurs when minerals in a rock are dissolved by water
Carbonic Acid can dissolve certain rocks andminerals
Hydrolysis occurs when hydrogen ions in water replace other ions in silicate minerals
Pollutants combine with rain to yield sulfuricand nitric acid producing an even more acidicsolution termed acid rain
Oxidation occurs when oxygen frequently reacts with iron or other metals in rocks
The red or yellow coloration commonly observed in some rocks and soils is caused by iron oxide
Biological Weathering
Definition: disintegration of rocks as aresult of the action by living organisms
Macroscopic Processes action of plant, roots, animal burrows, termites and other boring organisms that remove or break down rocks and minerals
Microscopic Processes some plant microbial activity releases organic acidic compounds
Rates of Weathering
Rock Composition different minerals react to different chemicalweathering processes
Rock Properties the presence of water in a rock promotes weathering
Climate climate varies systematically with latitude and elevation
Rocks and Minerals
Rocks are made of minerals
Atoms may have negative orpositive charge if they lose or gainelectrons
Ions atoms with different numbers of protons and electrons
Ionic bonds balance of negativeand positive charges
Covalent bonds sharing ofelectrons between elements
Minerals are made of elements
Crystal Form arrangement of the facesof a crystal to form a particular shape
Cleavage minerals break alongplanes of weakness defined byatomic structure
Hardness minerals ranked by theirrelative hardness using MohsHardness Scale
Color minerals have characteristiccolors
Luster how light reflects frommineral
Streak color of mark on unglazedporcelain
Plate Tectonics
Continental Drift
Continents have occupied Earth's surface in different locations in the past
Wegener's Observations
Matching Features
Distribution of plants and animalfossils
Continuous mountain belt
Opposing edges of continents fittogether
Glacial deposits
Contracting Earth
Planet is slowly cooling andcontracting as heat of formation islost
Evidence from the Seafloor
Seafloor Topography
Continental Shelf narrow, shallowocean surrounding continents
Abyssal Plain relatively levelseafloor
Continental Shelf narrow, shallowocean surrounding continents
Oceanic Ridge submarinemountain range that is a source ofvolcanic activity
Oceanic Trench narrow, deepestportion of ocean seafloor
Rocks of the seafloor are youngercompared to continental rocks
Earthquakes found near oceanicridges and trenches
Earth's Magnetic Field
Has negative and positive poles
Direction the field points towardthe magnetic poles
Inclination the field points down inthe NH and up in the SH
Normal Polarity when negativemagnetic pole is near NP
Reverse Polarity when positivemagnetic pole is near NP
Plate Boundaries
The older lithosphere is consumed insubduction zones as 2 oceanic plates collide.
More silica = High viscosity
The oceanic plate gets consumed in the subduction zones, when it collides with continental plate
Plates move toward each other
Plates move apart
3 Stages:
Birth break up of continentallithosphere
Youth narrow ocean forms
Maturity wide ocean
No lithosphere created norlithosphere destroyed
Plates move in opposite directions