3.1 Derivative of a Function
Definition of a derivative
Graphing Derivative from Data
3.2 Differentiablity
Derivatives might not exist
differentiability implieslocal linearity
Derivatives on Calculator
Differentiability impliesContinuity
Intermediate ValueTheorem for Derivatives
3.3 Rules for Differentiation
Postive integer powers,multiples, sums, anddifferences
Products and quotients
Derivative of the Sine Function
Negative integer powers of x
Second and higher orderderivatives
3.4 Velocity and other rates of change
Motion along a line
Relationship between graphsof and the graph of theirderivative
3.5 derivatives of trig functions
Derivative of the CosineFunction
Derivatives of otherTrig Functions
3.6 Chain Rule
Derivative of a Composite Function
Repeated use of the chain rule
Slopes of parametric curves
3.7 Implicit Differentiation
Implicitly defined functions
Lenses, Tangents andNormal lines
Derivatives of higher order
Rational Powers ofDifferentiable functions
3.8 Derivaties ofInverse trig functions
Derivatives of inverse functions
Derivatives of the arcsin
Derivative of the arctangent
Derivative of the arcsecant
Derivatives of the other three
3.9 Derivaties ofExponential & LogarithmicFunctions
Power rule for arbitraryreal powers