MindMap Gallery Mark Pagel
Using biological evolution as a template, Mark Pagel wonders how languages evolve.
Mind maps are a great resource to help you study. A mind map can take complex topics like plant kingdom and illustrate them into simple points, as shown above.
Mind maps are useful in constructing strategies. They provide the flexibility of being creative, along with the structure of a plan.
Vitamins and minerals are essential elements of a well-balanced meal plan. They help in ensuring that the body is properly nourished. A mind map can be used to map out the different vitamins a person requires.
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"Language is a piece oftechnology to rewire each other'sminds"
= our genes talking
subversive power
the most subversive tool we have
story of Babel (bible)
talk in eachother languages
languages exist and preventus from communicated
we can not say anything
word are just a puff of air
something worth explaining
languagues only with humans
the use sticks
why not buy a bag of nuts
the smash a rock on a nut
lack of social learningfrom other
no benefit from other wisdom
in 1 mi year they would do the same
home erectus
the made hand axes
not much development
showed vert little change in300.000 years
monkey see monkey so
we can learn
by watching other people
choose amongst a ray of options
build on widwom
out idead accumulate
our knowledge evolves
acculmulative culturaladoptation
social learning
our species
make stuff
make stuff of life
any species that aqcuire langues
would evolve
"Language evolved to solve the crisis ofvisual theft, to coordinate our activities"
we prospered like no other animal
valuable trade
new lands and resources into people
the voice of our genes
evolve language
developed many language
70008000 language
most languages are found incountries where people areclosely packed
see new guinee
1000 language
remote oceanic island
200.000 years ago
future course of
social learning is visual theft
benefit of others thoughts
hide your best ideas
smaller groups
less ideas
systems communities
share ideas
languague is the result
social technolgy
to enhance cooperation
coordinate activities
languague open the sphere ofcooperation
simplest axe of exchangedepend on language
put ideas together and haveproperity
this way humans evolve
animals have not evolved
'Not having language would belike a bird not having wings"
Facebook friendship links map
we dont have sex withpeople we cant talk to
European Union
27 countries
23 languages
cost alot of money &time
languages solution to visual theft
can we afford to have all the languages?
metric system is winning
hours, minutes, seconds is standard
modern world
chinese man, his languagespeaking by more people
though he needs to translatein english
world depends on cooperation
destiny one world: one language