MindMap Gallery Mind Map Kingdom
Mind maps are a great resource to help you study. A mind map can take complex topics like plant kingdom and illustrate them into simple points, as shown above.
Mind maps are useful in constructing strategies. They provide the flexibility of being creative, along with the structure of a plan.
Vitamins and minerals are essential elements of a well-balanced meal plan. They help in ensuring that the body is properly nourished. A mind map can be used to map out the different vitamins a person requires.
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General Information of all Plants
- Alteration of Generations
- 1 generation of the plant is Diploid, thenext generation will be haploid, and thenext Diploid
- Haploid plants grow fromspores
- Diploid plants grow from azygote
- Important Terminology
- Gametophyte
- A haploid plant thatproduces gametes byMitosis
- Sporophyte
- A diploid plant thatproduces spores by Miosis
- Bryophyte
- Refers to all non vascularplants
- Ovule
- Megasporangium,megaspore, andintegument
- Embreophytes
- Land plants
- Cuticle
- The epidermes,consisting of wax andpolyester
- Gametangia
- Antheridia
- Male gametangia, wheremany sperm are produced
- Where gametes areproduced
- Archegonia
- Female gametangia where asingle egg is produced
- Four traits of all landplants
- Alternation ofGeneration
- Apical meristems
- Localized regions ofcell division
- Walled Spores producedin sporangia
- Multicellulargametangia
- Vascular
- Seeded
- Angiosperms
- Morphology
- Fruits are matureovaries
- Help disperse seeds of theplant
- Reproduces withthe flower
- Petals: Aid in attractingpollinators
- Carpel: female reproductivestructure
- Stigma: Receives pollen
- Ovary: contains ovules,develops into seed
- Style: Path to the ovary,connected to stigma
- Pollen tube growsthrough to allowfertilization
- Double fertization occurs whentwo sperm meets femalegamete
- Sepals: Encloses flowerbefore it opens
- Stamens: malereproductive structure
- Anther: Where pollen isproduced
- Filament: stalk of theanther
- Seed plants that produceflowers and fruits
- Groups
- Monocotyledons
- Have one cotyledon in the seed, parallelleaf veination and flowering parts inmultiples of threes
- Examples:
- Dicotyledons
- Eudicots "true dicots"
- Have two cotyledon in theseeds, net leaf veinationand flowering partsusually in multiples of 4sor 5s
- Gymnosperm
- Seeds are not encased inovaries, but exposed oncones
- Most ecologicallysignificant group
- Conifers
- Non-Vascular
- Life cycle is dominated byGametophytes
- Sporophytes rely on thegametophyte for survival
- Non vascular means they donot have xylem or phylemtissues
- Accounts for their small size
- Water is required forfertilization
- commonly called bryophytes
- Examples of Organisms
- Liverworts
- Hornworts
- Mosses
- Closely related to vascularplants
- Plant Structure
- Gametophytes
- Protonema
- Proto (first) nema (threads). Aone cell thick mass thatabsorbs water and minerals
- Gametophore
- Generates gamete producingstructures
- Rhizoids
- Structures that anchor a gametophyte tothe ground. Long tubular either single cellor filaments of cells
- Sporophytes
- Capsule
- Uses materials to producespores, up to 50 million
- Seta
- Conducts materials to theCapsule
- Foot
- Anchors the plant to theGametophyte
- Stomata
- Most commonly in vascularplants, allow CO2 and O2exchange