MindMap Gallery Chapter 5 Section 2 The Reign of Louis XIV
This is a mind map that contains information about the region of Louis XIV.
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The Renaissance
Chapter 5 Section 2 The Reign of Louis XIV
Religious wars and power struggles
1572 the St. Bartholomew'sDay Massacre in Paris
Henry of Navarrea wasrobust, athleti, andhandsome.
Henry declared that the Huguenots couldlive in peace and this was called Edict ofNantes
After Henry IV's death his sonLouis XIII reigned
Louis XIV comes to power
Louis XIV was the mostpowerful ruler in frenchhistory
Intendants are government agentswho collected taxes and administeredjustice
The Sun King's Grand Style
The kings style was royalty. he did nothinghimself. including having his clothes put on for him,having his food prepared to his precicetastelikeness.
Louis Fights Disastrous wars
france had a hardtime expanding thereland. french longed for peace andquiet.
Writers Turn Toward Skepticism
Skepticism is the idea thatnothing can ever be known forcertain