MindMap Gallery Urinary System
This is a mind map that contains information about the Urinary system.
6 Levels of Ecological Hierarchy
biology reproduction
Cell Membrane
Panda Labs
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Critically Endangered
Urinary System
Kidney abd urerers lie in the abdominalcavity; partly covered by the ribs.
The bladder is in the device cavity.
The urethea is below the pelvis.
Renal blood supply
1/4 of bodys blood supply passes throughthe kidneys every min.
The Nephron
Functional unit of the kidney
consists of renal tube and associatcy bloodvessels
most are cortical nephrons
juxtameduallary nephrons have long loopsof henle.
the number of nephrons is constant frombirth if they are lost, others take on extrato work effectively.
3 layered tubes
transitioned epithelium and goblet cells
smooth muscle
Areola connective tissue contacting bloodvessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves.
plant into the bladder at a shallow angle.
Peristalsis moves urine from renal pelvis tothe bladder.
The Urninal Bladder
in males it is in front of the rectum and infemales it is front of the vajina and belowthe uterus.
situated behind the symphysis pubis.
Folds of peritoneum holds it in place.
Bladder capacity on average is 700800ml smaller in females and over filling can leadto a rupture.
Lined by transmittal epithelium which canfold as rugae.
The desirous is 3 layers of smooth muscle.
The outer superior layer is peritonuem;inferior this is a fibrous covering,
The Kidneys
external anatomy
each kidney is shaped like a kidney bean
12 x 6 x 3 cm in size
the indentation on its media border is calledrenal helm
perivepetic fat surrounds kidneys anchorsthe kidneys to the posterior abdominal.
underneath lives a renal capsule connective tissues that shapes and protectsthe kidneys.
Internal anatomy
can be divided into 2 regions
Outer light red renal capsule
inner dark red/brown renal capsule
contains 818 pyramids separated bycolumn/tissues.
functionally has 2 zones
functional area
contex 1 millions nephrons found in eachkidney
striped appearance is due to tightly packedpactical loops of henle.
drainage area
Renal papilla 1000's of papillary ductsdrain urine.
Minor calyces drain into 23 major calyces
major calyces drains into the renal pelvis.
Normal urine
volume 2000ml per 24 hours
yellow/amber In colour
clarity transparent when fresh
smell mild aromatic when fresh
pH should range from 4.68.0
specific gravity range 1.001 1.035
water, urea, uric acid, creature and excessinorganic salts
albumin, glucose, red + white blood cells,ketonic bodies, bilibin, urobilden andbacteria.
In women
is 4cm long
travels slightly curved as passes inferiorlythrough the pelvis floor into the perineum.
In men
is 20cm long
bends twice along its course
male bladder is slightly bigger than females less likely to get urine infections.
It is the exit tube from the bladder to theoutside the flow of urine is controlled by 2muscular spincher.
internal uretha sphincter
external uretha sphinchter