MindMap Gallery Concept vs Mind Map
This is a mind map that contains information about the differences between concept maps and mind maps.
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Concept vs Mind Map
Mind Map Structure
# [Mind Map Structure](https://mm.tt/1616859787)
The subject of a mind map is alwayslocated in the center of the canvas
A mind map only has ONE subject (onecentral idea)
Topics are arranged in a RADIALstructure around the center
Each topic is connected to the centervia a line (branch)
Hierarchical structure
The topics closest to the center arethe most important
When you read a map, start at thecenter!
Each topic in a mind map can havemultiple subtopics
A subtopic can only ever have ONEparenttopic
This means that classic mind mapdiagrams don't have loops
You can use arrows to showconnections and relationships betweenindividual subtopics
Other Elements
When creating a mind map, you areencouraged to add lots of differentcolors, images and icons
You can even replace written wordswith drawings
Mind Map Purpose
# [Mind Map Purpose](https://mm.tt/1616859821)
Mind maps let you visualize yourthoughts and understand how thingsare connected
Mind maps are the best format tobrainstorm ideas alone or with others
They help you come up with new ideasthrough association
They improve creativity
Note taking
The mind map format is great forcapturing information
Take notes during lectures, in class,during meetings and more
Mind maps are great for all kinds ofplanning purposes
Plan projects, outline businessstrategies, outline essays and more
Mind Map Benefits
Mind mapping has many benefits!
Mind maps improve creativity
Frictionless transcription of yourthoughts
Mind maps let you take moreeffective notes
Mind mapping improves comprehensionand memory
Mind mapping doesn't feel like work
It's fun!
Concept Map Benefits
Concept mapping has many benefits!
Concept maps help visualize therelationships between concepts andideas
See the bigger picture
Understand connections
Structure ideas
Concept maps improve memory and learning
Synthesize and integrate information
Analyze and evaluate
Concept Map Purpose
Concept maps are used to visualizerelationships between concepts or ideas
Visualize complex concepts
Concept maps are used to organizeand structure knowledge
They are often used to representacademic knowledge
Concept maps are used for varioustypes of planning purposes
Concept maps can be used tocommunicate plans, structures andsystems to others
Concept Map Structure
Central concept
The central concept (subject / topic) isusually located at the top of thecanvas
Concept maps are then read from topto bottom
However, the central concept may alsobe placed in the center or adifferent part of the canvas
Concepts or ideas are represented asgeometrical shapes
Concepts are connected via lines
Lines usually have arrows to indicatedirection or cause / effect
Lines can have labels that describethe relationship between the conceptsthey connect
Each concept can be connected (linked)to one or multiple other concepts