Quote about the nature of nazism: ‘[Nazismwas] a movement that was deliberatelydesigned to highlight by everymanipulative device – symbols, language,ritual, hierarchy, parades, rallies … thesupremacy of the dynamic, irrational factorsin politics: struggle, will, force, the sinkingof individual identity in the collectiveemotions of the group, sacrifice, discipline.’
“The cruelties of the civil war and ‘redterror’ in Lenin’s Russia were making animpact, and Hitler could use them to (justifyhis) farright views"
“In bringing Hitler to power, chances andconservative miscalculation played a largerrole that any actions of the Nazi leaderhimself” – Ian Kershaw 1991
“By replacing class with race, and thedictatorship of the proletariat with thedictatorship of the leader, Nazism reversedthe usual terms of socialist ideology” Andrew Roberts
Good credentials, e.g. Iron Cross
Charismatic personality and social influence
"... the living incarnation of thenation's yearning... " Georg Schott
“He seemed, as many who listened to hisearly speeches testified, to speak straightfrom the heart, and to express their owndeepest fears and desires” AndrewRoberts
“He exuded self confidence, aggression,belief in the ultimate triumph of his party,even a sense of destiny” Andrew Roberts
“Without necessarily using overtlyreligious language, Hitler appealed toreligious archetypes of suffering,humiliation, redemption and resurrectionlodged deep within his listeners’psyche….he found a ready response” Andrew Roberts
“Hitler’s speeches reduced Germany’scomplex social, political and economicproblems to a simple commondenominator: the evil machinations of theJews” Andrew Roberts