MindMap Gallery Inhabit Your Body
This is a mind map that contains information about how to inhabit your body.
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Inhabit Your Body
The Legacy of Inescapable Shock
Annie's "smoke detector" (amygdala) alerts hersurvival brain
Excitement about seeing someone triggers theterror of being molested
This response comes from children's ability tocompartmentalize
love for her father vs. dread of assault are inseparate states of consciousness
Annie felt she was at fault (limbicprogramming) vs. her rational thoughts
Exploring Yoga
Yoga compared to DBT for PTSD
Volunteers had not responded to therapy
Yoga improved arousal levels
Yoga improved volunteers' relationship to theirbodies
Yoga programs are effective for PTSD andinclude:
Breath practices
Stretches or postures
Focus on the rhythm between tension &relaxation
HRV measured at end of session duringshavasana
Trauma survivors have high levels of muscleactivity relative to nontraumatized
Challenge for survivors is to attain completerelaxation and quiet surrender
Case Study: Annie
Annie arrives terrified
Annie unable to deal with confrontation
makes her "mind disappear"
cutting/sefdestructive behaviour
years of theapy,medication, psychiatrichospitalization were unhelpful
Van der Kolk focuses on breathing andawareness
Focus on out breath (activates theparasympathetic nervous system)
Tapping of accupressure points
Learning SelfRegulation
Annie attends Yoga
Annie's responses
Terror from a corrective touch by an instructor
recognition of the healing value a of yoga
recognition of her disconnection from herbody
Letting her body tell her the story it wants to
The "Happy Baby" pose is very challenging fortraumatized as creates extreme panic
The Numbing Within
Memory of helplessness stored as:
muscle tension
feelings of disintegration in affected body areas
Trauma survivors brace against and neutralizetheir unwanted sensations
Half turn to alcohol & drugs
Others turn to sensation seeking
cutting to stop numbness
high risk behaviours
Chronic anger & fear creates chronic muscletension
Multiple sypmtoms
muscle spasms/back pain
chronic pain
Diagnoses seldom seen as their way to copewith their trauma symptoms
Annie's treatment involved helping her to:
regulate arousal
control her physiology
Learning to Communicate
When people feel safe in their bodies they cantranslate formerly overwhelming feelings intolanguage
Annie after 1 year of yoga
able to talk more freely about what happenedto her
After a trigger she was able to contain herself
she was able to explain/verbalize the meaningof the trigger
Annie learned to "just have" her feelingswithout being "hijacked by them"