MindMap Gallery Knowledge Framework Natural Sciences
This is a mind map that contains information about the knowledge of framework natural science.
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Knowledge Framework Natural Sciences
General Framework Questions
what are the methods or procedures used inthe area?
how these methods generates knowledge?
What are assumptions underlying thesemethods
What counts as a fact?
What role do models play?
what ethical thinking limits the methodsuse?
Specific AOK Ideas
measurement involves interaction with theworld
can sometimes change aspect of the world
models are important
classification is a central idea
methods employed use
reason and sense perception
Links to Personal Knowledge
Why is this area significant to the individual?
what is the nature of the contribution ofindividuals?
what responsibilities rest upon theindividual knower by virtue of theknowledge?
what are the implications of this AOK for theindividual's perspective?
what assumptions underlie the individual'sapproach?
gives a view of ourselves
as material entities behaving according touniversal laws
little space here to see ourselves as rational,free agents, with desires and ability tochoose
individuals have contributed in revolutionaryways
use of imagination, intuition and emotionsin creation of hypotheses
General Framework Quetstions
What role does language play?
What are the roles of the key concepts andterms that provide the building blocks?
What metaphors are appropriate?
What is the role of convention in this area?
many laws in natural sciences are statedusing language of MATHEMATICS
language in science is PRECISE
to eliminate ambiguity
what is about?
what practical problems can be solved?
what are important questions currentlyunanswered?
are there any ethical considerations thatlimit the scope?
a system of knowledge of the natural world
based on observation
constructed using reason and imagination
shared knolwedge
often shared by large groupinggeographically spread
largely independent of culture
prediction important feature
understanding is a prime purpose
interested in producing generalised (aboutnatural world) :
scientific laws
laws are casual
e.g if event a happens then event b willhappen as a result
Historical Development
What is the significance of the key points inhistorical development in the AOK?
how has the history of this area led to itscurrent form
pivotal shifts of thinking in the developmentof the natural sciences