MindMap Gallery Daoism
This is a bubble mind map about Daoism.
Critically Endangered
Near Threatened Species
Least Concern Species
Product Marketing
Conventions of A Film Trailer
Roisin Carey Bubble Map
Kingdom Animali Bubble Map
Cell Cycle Bubble Map
Male Reproductive Tract
Materi Narrative Text Bubble Map
Political and Social Impact
It influenced education and the chinesemedical system.
Where did it spread and why?
South and East Asia, more recently in theWestern World
Core Beliefs
Everything in nature takes part in a cycleand eventually returns to its natural state.
Origins and Founder
Originated in China around 600 B.C.E
The original text, TheDaodejing, was likely written bya scholar named laozi.
Sacred Texts
Tao Te Ching