MindMap Gallery Aspects Of Culture
This is a mind map that contains information about aspects of culture.
Vegetarian Circular Map
Hozier Album
What is Valentine's Day
Local Culture, Popular Culture, and Cultural Landscapes
Connections Between the 6 Main Religions of the World
Myths and heroes
Do's and Don'ts in a foreign country
Minoan Trade Routes Map
Gender Equality
Aspects Of Culture
Each society placing its culture pattern at the center of things
Functions of Ethnocentrism
Encourage the solidarity of the group
Hinders the understanding of the group
Conflict often leads to social change
Cultural Relativism
Idea that all norms, beliefs, and values aredependent on their culture
Characteristics of Culture
social because it is the product ofbehavior
varies from society to society
transmitted among members ofsociety
continuous and cumulative
Functions of Culture
defines situation
defines myth, legends, andsupernatural
provides behavior pattern
defines attitudes, values, and goals
Explicit Culture
Similarities in words and action: directly observed
Implicit Culture
Exist in abstract form: not quiteobvious