Evidence indicates that Earth's life is the result of around 1 billion years of chemical evolution to form the first cells.
After this chemical evolution had formed cells, biological evolution took place, creating single-celled prokayotic bacteria into single-celled eukayotic cells.
Biological evolution, or evolution is the change in a populations genetic makeup through successive generations.
While the Earth itself may be a billion years old, modern humans didn't exist until only 65 million years ago.
Scientists classify species into two types: generalist and specialist species.
In all communities, species all have ecological niches. These are the species role in their environment/community and help play a role in survival.
Natural Selection, occurs when some individuals of a population have genetically based traits that increase their chance of survival.
Adaptive traits are any heritable trait that enables organisms to better survive.
If the trait helps the individual significantly, than chances are the rest of the population will develop these characteristics
Artificial selection is when we select one or more desirable traits in a population and merge them with another species with genetic traits and use selective breeding to end up with a large population with generally more traits.
Genetic engineering or gene splicing is a set of techniques used to modify, isolate or combine traits between organisms that would never interbreed in nature.