MindMap Gallery NABCI Plan to Plan - Option 1
Option 1 - Extensive NABCI Stakeholder Participation
Edited at 2020-11-02 21:28:01Discover the innovative conflict resolution and personal development methods of John Chen with our essential guide. Gain insights into the 'Golden Questions' that open up dialogue, navigate through common conflicts effectively, and leverage practical tools such as 'Color Changing Silk' and interactive worksheets. This resource, which includes an eBook and references to characters that illustrate common scenarios, is designed to help you understand your objectives, explore issues and interests in-depth, and apply the 'Yes, and...' technique for positive outcomes. Perfect for individuals seeking to improve their negotiation skills and interpersonal relationships, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth.
This Edraw mind map template outlines key strategies and resources for personal or professional development related to "John Chen." Branches detail resources like an eBook, essential questions, and strategies for navigating common conflicts, along with goals and interests. It's designed for individuals looking to improve conflict resolution skills or personal growth strategies, highlighting useful tools and methodologies.
Unveil the serenity and transformative power of meditation through this comprehensive website designed to guide individuals on their journey to mindfulness. With a welcoming video that introduces the visitors to the benefits of meditation, the website provides a rich array of resources including free chapters, contact information for engaging with authors, and various multimedia content like audio files and video testimonials. Encouraging personal growth and community harmony, the website is an inviting platform for both novices and seasoned practitioners looking to deepen their practice and understanding of meditation.
Discover the innovative conflict resolution and personal development methods of John Chen with our essential guide. Gain insights into the 'Golden Questions' that open up dialogue, navigate through common conflicts effectively, and leverage practical tools such as 'Color Changing Silk' and interactive worksheets. This resource, which includes an eBook and references to characters that illustrate common scenarios, is designed to help you understand your objectives, explore issues and interests in-depth, and apply the 'Yes, and...' technique for positive outcomes. Perfect for individuals seeking to improve their negotiation skills and interpersonal relationships, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth.
This Edraw mind map template outlines key strategies and resources for personal or professional development related to "John Chen." Branches detail resources like an eBook, essential questions, and strategies for navigating common conflicts, along with goals and interests. It's designed for individuals looking to improve conflict resolution skills or personal growth strategies, highlighting useful tools and methodologies.
Unveil the serenity and transformative power of meditation through this comprehensive website designed to guide individuals on their journey to mindfulness. With a welcoming video that introduces the visitors to the benefits of meditation, the website provides a rich array of resources including free chapters, contact information for engaging with authors, and various multimedia content like audio files and video testimonials. Encouraging personal growth and community harmony, the website is an inviting platform for both novices and seasoned practitioners looking to deepen their practice and understanding of meditation.
NABCI Plan to Plan Option 1
1. Complete this Phase 1 work plan One remote meeting
Judith, other key NABCI players, and Mike complete this work plan via a Plan-to-Plan meeting hosted via interactive telephone or Zoom call (1-2 hours) collaboratively developing this mind map chart. NABCI players will be required to study the mind map in deatail prior to the Plan-to-Plan meeting. After finalization of the mind map Mike will convert it to a Gantt chart or other sequenced scheduling tool for the Project Managers to use for Phase 1 project implementation.
2. Make Phase 1 project management decisions
1. 'Appoint' the Phase 1 Project Managers
I expect this to be pro forma to Judith and Mike, but this is the opportunity add any other key staff as needed; but it is better for this to be as a small team as possible.
2. Assign and empower an RPF Writing Team or RFP Project Planning Staff
If an RFP Writing Team is needed, create it here and secure meaningful time commitments from these people. I expect that their work will be, Reading assignments from the Project Managers (Judith and Mke). Attending virtual planning meetings and coming to these fully prepared to discuss details of project management and make collaborative decisions on RFP development, participate in any asynchronous activities such as brainstorming. And review and comment on drafts of the RFP.
3. Adopt general time lines for RFP development and Phase 2 completion
I expect these are already known as Judith articulated, but these general time frames need to be known to the entire team working on RFP development. I see this as a short, simple communication and, probably, pro forma agreement. This team needs to know both the RFP development timeline and the timeline for the strategic plan development.
4. Define broad deliverables for Phase 2
This is to be a broadly defined list of work products you might like to include as 'deliverables' in the final RFP; but this is just a beginning. Later, the Writing Team will build out this list in considerable detail. At that time we will separate this brainstorm into 'Must-Have', 'Nice-to-Have', and 'Not-Needed' categories. For example, this tentative list of deliverables could include, Stakeholder needs assessment. SWOT or modified SWOT analysis. Performance assessment of the current plan. Detailed Fit-to-Purpose assessment of the current pan. Contractor's recommendations for plan management/implementation or ongoing consultation. Recommendations (or a plan) for monitoring and evaluating implementation and performance of the new plan. etc.
5. Define internal reporting/approval/delegation of authority protocols for RFP development
Simple list of decision points with needed approvals at each point that the RFP must go through. For example, Project Manager (Judith) Project Planning Team NABCI ExCom AFWA leadership AFWA legal AFWA financials Stakeholders (if included, they would likely be in a 'keep informed' category, not a decision making role) NABCI funders/grantors (again, most likely a 'keep informed' category, not a decision making role)
3. 'Look Back' analysis of current plan (i.e., Fit to Purpose Analyses)
This is an initial assessment so the Writing Team knows how to scope the RFP. For example, considering the topic of review/modification to the NABCI goals, your Phase 2 contractor needs to know which deliverable to produce, Major revision Modearte tweaking Minor tweaking No substantive change, editing only For examle, this can be done with an ashnchronous tool (e.g., Mike's Tweat-O-Meter survey) and/or synchronous, interactive remote meetings of Writing Team members or, even, a broader audience as you decide is needed.
1. The reason we exist
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Value Proposition
2. Desired results
Goal I
Subgoals (Objectives)
Goal II
Subgoals (Objectives)
Goal III
Subgoals (Objectives)
3. Implementation performance
Decide if this is the right time to 'Look Back' at implementation successes of Actions and Tasks in the current plan. Propbably use a combination of asynchronous and synchronous tools. But, this will be a large work effort, not one I have included in this budegiting propsal.
4. RFP Content Decisions
1. Develop the detailed time line; focused around explicit decision points
2. Brainstorm and decide on a list of required Phase 2 deliverables from your contractor
For example, Develop a work plan? Define stakeholder involvement requirements? Reporting requirement? 'Look Back' Aanalysis 'Look Forward' Analysis Facilitator (includes conflict resolution) of decision making by the Writing Team or other NABCI groups? Meeting convener and platform provider? Write the drafts of the evolving plan? Provide secondary staff like note takers, adjunct facilitators in the meetings are large, etc.
3. Format decisions
Decide between specifying a desired format versus letting the contractor propose a format. If your last plan is sufficient, just use that format again. Decide if there are any ancilliary products you want your contractor to create once the plan is final (.e.g., a video presenting the plan to your community, interactive posting on your website, brochure, webpage copy). Convert these to explicit deliverables in the RFP. Decide if you need any special chapter needs (e.g., historical review of NACBI, list of past accomplishments, list of testimonials from affected customers and partners). Convert these to explicit deliverables in the RFP.
4. Content decisions
This is the place to decide, What chapters you want in the final plan. How far down in the plan hierarchy you want the contractor to include in his/her research, facilitations, and plan writing, Vision Mission Value proposition Goals Sub-goals Actions Tasks
5. Prepare the RFP
1. Define detailed deliverables for Phase 2 to write into the RFP
Plan content deliverables
Carry over and finalize the list from Activity 4. For example, Develop a work plan? Define stakeholder involvement requirements? Reporting requirement? 'Look Forward' Analysis: assessment of the work environment that NABCI will be heading into in the next few years. 'Look Back' Aanalysis: how ‘fit-to-purpose’ are the components of the existing strategic plan in response to that assessment. Facilitator (includes conflict resolution) of decision making by the Writing Team or other NABCI groups? Meeting convener and platform provider? Write the drafts of the evolving plan? Provide secondary staff like note takers, adjunct facilitators in the meetings are large, etc. Decide if you want the contracto to create secondary deliverables like videos, brochures, etc. Decide how far down in the plan hierarchy you want the contractor to include (from Activity 4.4). Vision Mission Value proposition Goals Sub-goals Actions Tasks
Work plan
For example, Gantt chart or other task sequencing and scheduling tool.
Reporting expectations, mechanisms and protocols for contractor and interactions with NABCI leadership
For example, how do you want your Phase 2 contractor to interact with, NABCI Manger EcComm Stakeholders AFWA Leadership etc.? Frequency and method of status reporting from your Phase 2 contractor?
Plan for mid-course changes
For example, NACBI expectations for early-warning/rapid-response capacity (likely not needed here)? NACBI expectations for contractor initiative to do independent conflict resolution and problem solving? NACBI expectations for contractor initiative to propose solutions along with problem identification? etc.
Interim (milestone) work products
For example, List of milestones and sub-deliverables expected at each (usually ad hoc oral reports, status report meetings, chapter drafts, closing reports on research tasks, if any). Schedule for routine check-in reporting (usually an increment of time such as monthly or by the phases of the planning process that is in the contract). Balance between enough reporting to keep you informed but not engage your contractor in so much reporting that it might impeded progress on the deliverables (i.e., balance contractor time allocation beteen status reporting with product development). The number and timing for delivery of drafts of the evolving plan (NACBI should provide for the contractor its requirements and also make commitments for NACBI responsciveness for review and decision making on these drafts).
Contractor experience requirements
Usually not an issue, but if you have desires like, fish and wildlife, planning, mediation, senior executive, or other experience you wish the contractor's principal staff to have, spell it out.
Propose or ask in the RFP for the contrator to propose a payment plan (usually geared around milestones in the project plan).
2. Drafting
Give the contractor any needed explict direction on your format and content expectations.
Work assignments
The usual commitments about what is to be done (i.e., spell out a scope of work for individual tasks) and who will do it.
Internal review process
For each draft of the plan, give your contractor a definative list of audiences, expectations from these specific audiences, and commitments NCBI is making to the contractor for providing review inputs (e.g., deadline setting, documenting changes, who is final decision maker for deciding which review inputs to use and not use). I can suggest ahead of time that some kind of asynchronous input gathering tool be used to easily capture a record of these in one place (e.g., Goggle doc; blog conversation, or other shared-authoring tool).
3. Approval review
As defined in Activity 2.5.
6. Implement the RFP
1. Planning
Define contractor selection process
Define the list of criteria
Scoring process/rubric (if desired)
Decision-making authority/approvals
Create solicitation Materials
2. Implementation
Solicitation for proposals
Review of proposals
Contractor selection
Write and Sign Contract
Kick-Off meeting with contrator
Implementation products
Option 1 ExComm Lead, Two-Person Staffing, Broad NABCI Member Involvement Emphasis: Statekholder Participation
DELIVERABLE The Deliverable from this Phase 1 work is an RFP for creating a new NABCI Strategic Plan