MindMap Gallery Media Literacy Powerpoint for 5th Grade
This mind map is about Media Literacy Powerpoint for 5th Grade.
Edited at 2020-12-23 07:44:09A mind map book summary for "Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes" of Lev Vigotsky (chapter 6)
The Maze Runner Mind Map The Maze Runner is a 2014 American dystopian science fiction film directed by Wes Ball, in his directorial debut, based on James Dashner's 2009 novel of the same name.
The Martian Chronicles Mind Map The Martian Chronicles is a science fiction fix-up novel, published in 1950, by American writer Ray Bradbury that chronicles the settlement of Mars, the home of indigenous Martians, by Americans leaving a troubled Earth that is eventually devastated by nuclear war. The book is a work of science fiction, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, dystopian fiction, and horror that projects American society immediately after World War II into a technologically advanced future where the amplification of humanity's potentials to create and destroy have both miraculous and devastating consequences.
A mind map book summary for "Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes" of Lev Vigotsky (chapter 6)
The Maze Runner Mind Map The Maze Runner is a 2014 American dystopian science fiction film directed by Wes Ball, in his directorial debut, based on James Dashner's 2009 novel of the same name.
The Martian Chronicles Mind Map The Martian Chronicles is a science fiction fix-up novel, published in 1950, by American writer Ray Bradbury that chronicles the settlement of Mars, the home of indigenous Martians, by Americans leaving a troubled Earth that is eventually devastated by nuclear war. The book is a work of science fiction, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, dystopian fiction, and horror that projects American society immediately after World War II into a technologically advanced future where the amplification of humanity's potentials to create and destroy have both miraculous and devastating consequences.
Media Literacy Powerpoint for 5th Grade
staff website (TBD)
office communications
links to all staff documents
PD & Staff Meeting Calendar
weekly memo
public website on Joomlamanaged by parent
RSS from Class Sites
Calendar (Google Embed)
Announcements: index of "News" tag
coming from office???
PTA announcements
Contact & Location
About Text
how to get a seat
open house info
NOTE: link to news in the blog
links to external websites in Google Sites
Add an RSS Feed of all Class Site StudentWork Posts, and a slideshow of all classimages
Parent Resources
PTO website
Rubrics for quality teaching
Danielson graphics, etc.
grade level websites in GoogleSites (or other)
photo slideshows in Picasa (TBD)
Media Lab Bridge Websites:Connects student work from Lab toClassrooms
Staff Communications
Google Drive/Dropbox
unit maps drafts
Student Work
Each Student has a foldershared with current teacher
In Student Folder is a "Portfolio" folder
Handwritten or art work is captured into Drivevia "snapshots" in Google Drive, or Skitch (anduploaded to Drive)
report cards
Who's Doing What: Innovation Crew
CUNY Intern?
projectbased learning
utilizing digital resources, tools & peopleoutside the building to enhancecommunication and access to info.
grade team collaboration planning
unit/project/activity planning
PD: to build skills and resources
PD: inclass modeling and assisting
building a bridge between the lab and theclassroom teachers
Parent Webmaster
Tech Support & Management Strategies
acknowledge limitations of technology
lots of new laptops
limited tech support
student tech leaders in each class
teacher maintenance roles &teamapproach
sign out routine: Google Calendar? Spreadsheet?
commitment to learn best practices formaintenance (your knowledge, student help)
personnel devoted to this now
Rhys: troubleshooting, limited time to fix things
?: organizing checkout and management
Garin: managing the lab;balance with curriculumplanning/dev
parent volunteers
tech cluster teacher (i.e. Ariel)
Digital Citizenship ContractSigned by Kids & Parents
have students write this and sign it
Privacy Policy
NYCDOE Acceptable Use
Need to develop BSI policy
Digital Resources
PS 9 Google Apps for Education
Google Sites
The place to share finished resources withstudents & parents
(TBD) organized by unit, and resources fromGoogle Docs are linked
photos, forms, newsletters, student work
Google Calendar
staff events
public events
personal/class calendars (optional)
Google Drive
using "conversations" feature in the marginswhile collaborating on documents (try it byhighlighting some text and clicking "Insert +Comment".
creating a "portal" of shared folders calledcurriculum resources"collections"
Assessing/ Looking at /Sharing /Discussing studentwork
Software Favorites & Suggestions
Online Grade Books
Engrade (within Google Apps)
Jupiter Grades
MindMeister Graphic Organizer
Diigo bookmarking
Screencapture & image annotation: Jing
Google Docs
Google Presentations (like powerpoint)
Google Forms
leave a survey for your kids on your class blog display results as a graph
students post quizzes for classmates
Flubaroo autoquiz assessments
Store photos of
Google Custom Maps
Google Apps
Hardware (Computers, Laptops,iPads)
15 + Clusters: Interactive White Boards
Student Tech Experience
tech cluster: 25
Curriculum Map
Tech Skills
Curriculum Tiein
Cluster Website
class pages
selfassessment, help & goals log
links to grade level project websites
Classroom Computer Use
Typing Papers
Typing practice
Do dance mat intro in school, then send home as homework
Should be done in cluster early and briefly
Rotating Roles for Kids
Class Scribe
Class Researcher
Class Reporter
Voicethread Sharing of Discoveries
"Window into the classroom"
Voicethread, Class Site
Docs/Sites: Portfolios
Teacherstudent conferences around student accounts
45: 4 iMacs Each
K3: iMac Each
Teacher Presentations (withiPads & projectors)
group writing
group research
resource websites
visual demonstrations
Google Apps Accounts from Grade 2
Individual accounts start in Gr2
students manage their own passwords
Google Drive
All Typing in Docs
Peer/Teacher Editing (Commenting only)
SelfAssessment Rubrics
Live Presentation Visual Aides
File Storage (like dropbox)
Shared Folders with Teachers
1 folder for each teacher they work with
decide what folders go inside (units, subject,assignment, etc.)
Google Sites
Publishing digital presentations& videos to Class Website
Collaborative Resource/Research Websites
Answering Focus Questions from Teachers
Posting Studentmade Tutorials
201213 5th Grade Pilot:Student Portfolios using AppsAccounts
all written work is archived in docs
Sites could be where they showcase their bestwork teachers would makerecommendations for what to include in theportfolio site.
images of any written/art work canbe photographed and uploaded toDocs
Docs & Sites to start
Curate a personal Google Site withTeacher input and selfassessment builtin
1/month portfolio day
bring your best writing and artwork
create an entry in Voicethreaddescribing something big???
Howto Documents Shared withall staff and students in GoogleDocs (to be developed)
Digital & Media Literacy overview
Definition of MLE
critical thinking & literacy extended to newmedia: core principles
1: MLE requires active inquiry and critical thinking about the messages we receive and create.
2: MLE expands the concept of literacy to include all forms of media.
3: MLE builds and reinforces skills for learners of all ages and requires practice.
4: MLE develops informed, reflective and engaged participants essential for a democratic society.
5: Media are a part of culture and function as agents of socialization.
6: People use their individual skills, beliefs and experiences to construct their own meanings from media messages.
you are already experts if you boil it down tobasic communication: who's author, what istheir intention, and what audience is this for?
production = "writing" in new media
not hard for kids to pick up skills
communication tool box
kids can be empowered through SCHOOL to usethese tools to communicate with thequality/effectiveness you try to teach them withwriting
Relevance to CCSS
fit them into existing work to help connect with standards/goals
new media can be included as"texts", "informational texts","nonfiction", etc.
media projects can demonstrate communicationskills, comprehension, meaningmaking, etc.
Internet research best practices