Each community government group is called asty, where pigs live. He's calling British societya bunch of little pigs.
How is property divided inUtopia? How does this affectsociety?
There is no private property inUtopia it's all divided among thepeople. Goods are stored inwarehouses and are given out byrequest. People stay in a home(with no locks) for ten yearsbefore rotating.
What is working life like in Utopia?
Agriculture is the most important aspect ofsociety, with women doing the samefarming work as men.
Why does Utopia use slavery?
Criminals and immigrants from other countriesare made slaves. Each household has twoslaves.
What is the government like in Utopia?
The island contains 54 towns, each with about 6000 households. The capitalcity, Amaurot, is located directly in the middle of the crescent island.
How is Utopia a social critiqueof Great Britain?
This is a perfect society and is nearly theopposite of British society. There is noprivate ownership in Utopia while GreatBritain was full of greedy people who onlycared about their position andpossessions.
How do people in Utopia findhappiness?
During their leisure time theywould apply themselves tostudying; knowledge andlearning brought happiness.
Thomas More's Utopia is aChristianhumanist view of an idealsociety.
More does not simply offer a theoretical view,but provides specifics for how to create thisworld.
Utopia offers a Christianizedform of Plato's Republic.
Christian Synthesis
The Christian aspect of the synthesis isChrist's gospel of caring for the poor, theoppressed and the downtrodden.
The Platonic, Republican traditionis the Greek aspect of thesynthesis.
More wrote Utopia with a comedic tone,allowing him to speak his truth while telling adeeper story.