MindMap Gallery Northwest Ordinance
This is a mind map about " Northwest Ordinance".
Edited at 2020-12-23 08:41:16The human body is the physical structure of a human being. It is a complex and intricate system composed of various organs, tissues, and cells, working together to support life and enable various functions. In the human body, there are ten primary body systems. The body system shows all the ten body systems and their contribution to the maintenance of a healthy human body.
This electromagnetic waves concept map will clear out any misinformation and problem the students might have regarding the electromagnetic waves.
The concept map of the immune system is the types of the immune system, how it is further branched out, and what every cell is supposed to do for a better understanding and learning.
The human body is the physical structure of a human being. It is a complex and intricate system composed of various organs, tissues, and cells, working together to support life and enable various functions. In the human body, there are ten primary body systems. The body system shows all the ten body systems and their contribution to the maintenance of a healthy human body.
This electromagnetic waves concept map will clear out any misinformation and problem the students might have regarding the electromagnetic waves.
The concept map of the immune system is the types of the immune system, how it is further branched out, and what every cell is supposed to do for a better understanding and learning.
Ryan Shively
Northwest Ordinance
1.) What is the general purpose of thisdocument?
For creation of the Northwest Territory
2.) Who was responsible forwriting it?
Nathan Dane
3.) What time frame was/isthe document significant?
4.) How is the documentstructured?
Its written
5.) What are the top 5 importantthing we need to know about thisdocument?
1. Popular sovereignty
2. Westward Expansion
3. Admission of new states
4. passed July 13, 1787
5.Establishment of territorialgovernment
Federalist Papers
1.) What is the general purpose of thisdocument?
To promote the ratification of theUnited States Constitution
2.) Who was responsible forwriting it?
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison,and John Jay
3.) What time frame was/isthe document significant?
4.) How is the documentstructured?
85 articles and essays
5.) What are the top 5 importantthing we need to know about thisdocument?
1. Appeared in New York newspapers
2. They were going for theConstitution
Articles of Confederation
1.) What is the general purpose of thisdocument?
Provide a governing structure for thenation
2.) Who was responsible forwriting it?
John Dickinson
3.) What time frame was/isthe document significant?
4.) How is the documentstructured?
13 articles
5.) What are the top 5 importantthing we need to know about thisdocument?
1. Adopted November 15, 1777
2. Document before theConstitution
3. All 13 states had to agree to anyamendment
4. Replaced by Constitution in1789
5. Denied Congress the power tocollect taxes
Declaration of Independence
1.) What is the general purpose of thisdocument?
The purpose of the Declaration ofIndependence is to declare thecolonies separated from England.
2.) Who was responsible forwriting it?
Thomas Jefferson
3.) What time frame was/isthe document significant?
1776 Present
4.) How is the documentstructured?
The Declaration is structured into 5 parts.They are the Preamble, theStatement of Human Rights, Charges Against Human Rights, ChargesAgainst the King and Parliament, and the Statement of Separation andSignatures.
5.) What are the top 5 important thingswe need to know about this document?
1. Declared serperation from England
2. It started a riot when the news reachedNew York
3. 8 of the 56 signers were born in Britain
4. One signer later recanted
5. There is something written on theback of it
1.) What is the general purpose of thisdocument?
To establish the basic rights of citizens
2.) Who was responsible forwriting it?
James Madison
3.) What time frame was/isthe document significant?
Since it was written
4.) How is the documentstructured?
Preamble and 7 articles
5.) What are the top 5 important thingswe need to know about this document?
1. We could have been divided withoutit.
2. Established a more perfect union.
3. Made from the best laws therealready were.
4. Establishes a person's rights.
5. Constitution day is September 17th.
Bill of Rights
1.) What is the general purpose of thisdocument?
It serves to protect citizens from tomuch government power.
2.) Who was responsible forwriting it?
James Madison
3.) What time frame was/isthe document significant?
Since it was written.
4.) How is the documentstructured?
With 10 amendments, these beingthe fist 10 to the constitution.
5.) What are the top 5 important thingswe need to know about this document?
1. Freedom of speech.
2. Right to bear arms.
3.Due process
4. Trial by jury
5. Powers of states and people