MindMap Gallery Spiritual Blindness Sermon Illustrations
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Edited at 2020-12-23 09:11:09A simplified mind map about the psychology in pre-scientific stage. Pre-scientific psychology refers to the early philosophical and theoretical explorations of the human mind and behavior that laid the foundation for the development of modern psychology. You can easily create your own mind map like this this with EdrawMind.
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A simplified mind map about the psychology in pre-scientific stage. Pre-scientific psychology refers to the early philosophical and theoretical explorations of the human mind and behavior that laid the foundation for the development of modern psychology. You can easily create your own mind map like this this with EdrawMind.
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Spiritual Blindness Sermon Illustrations
Whot then is this 4:41
Spoken by disciples
Answered by the second seaevent It is I allusion to God
answer: Messiah but forgentiles an djews (5:120)
Sea calming
Sea walking
Sea Conversation
CMMUNITY Jesus saves us frmblindness thrugh community
Jesus gives personally of himself
STAGES Jesus wrks over a process of time
laying hands on him
in Mark
More of htis than any other gospel
All but one instance has to do with helaing
The only instance of laying on of hands as ablessing is the blessing of the children in 10:13.26
Edwards Jr., James R. (20091005). The Gospel accordingto Mark (Pillar New Testament Commentary) (KindleLocation 4565). Eerdmans Publishing Co A. KindleEdition.
In some instances the infirm and troubledseek to touch Jesus (3: 10; 5: 2731; 6:56),
Edwards Jr., James R. (20091005). The Gospel accordingto Mark (Pillar New Testament Commentary) (KindleLocation 4563). Eerdmans Publishing Co A. KindleEdition.
and in others Jesus extends ahealing touch to them (1: 41; 7: 33;8: 22).
Edwards Jr., James R. (20091005). The Gospel accordingto Mark (Pillar New Testament Commentary) (KindleLocations 45634564). Eerdmans Publishing Co A. KindleEdition.
Sometimes healing is accompanied by the actuallaying on of Jesus' (5: 23; 7: 32; 8: 23, 25) or thedisciples' hands (6: 5; 16: 18).
Edwards Jr., James R. (20091005). The Gospel accordingto Mark (Pillar New Testament Commentary) (KindleLocations 45644565). Eerdmans Publishing Co A. KindleEdition.
in OT The two primary purposes of laying on of hands in the Old Covenant were to transfereither animals or persons from the profane to the sacred by consecrating them to God. WhenJesus lays hands on people the effect is rather the opposite, however, for the profane is nolonger elevated to the sacred, as in the OT, but rather by bestowing God's holy and healingpresence on ordinary, common, and even sinful people, Jesus brings the sacred to theprofane.
Edwards Jr., James R. (20091005). The Gospel accordingto Mark (Pillar New Testament Commentary) (KindleLocations 45664569). Eerdmans Publishing Co A. KindleEdition.
Here as in the spit there si aconveyance the healing is attached toJesus
do you see anything
like "do you still not see?" (8:17)
Stuck between points
Be honest
If the man hadn’t admitted he still didn’t see aright, maybe Jesus would have nevertouched him again. Dr. LloydJones basically says, “Interesting. What if Jesus had said,‘Do you see aright?’ and the man said, ‘Of course, I do. What are you talking about?Yes, everything is just fine.’ He would have walked around the rest of his life cuttingdown people and talking to trunks.” He had holy dissatisfaction. He admitted it stilldidn’t work.
It’s a little bit of a dicey thing to say to the Savior of the world, “I’m not sure yourtouch worked here.” Instead of saying, “Well, maybe it was my fault. Maybe myblindness is so bad even Jesus can’t heal it.” He said, “No, I don’t see aright. Please.”And Jesus touched him again. What Dr. LloydJones is just saying is be dissatisfiedwith your level of spiritual sight and it will be all right. Go to him and say, “I don’t seearight.”
Keller, T. J. (2013). The Timothy Keller SermonArchive. New York City: Redeemer PresbyterianChurch.
be unsatisffied I don’t care who you are. I don’t care how long you’ve been a Christian. I don’t carewhat you think you know. Unless you are like Jacob sometimes and you go and say, “I will not letyou go unless you bless me.” Unless you have a holy dissatisfaction that your level of experienceand your level of spiritual sight and your level of the experience of God’s love and your level of theexperience of God’s holiness … Unless you are dissatisfied and saying to Jesus, “No, I still don’t seearight,” you’re not going to keep growing.
Keller, T. J. (2013). The Timothy Keller SermonArchive. New York City: Redeemer PresbyterianChurch.
You’re not capable of being dissatisfied with your sight unless God has alreadybegun to clear it somewhat. You’re not capable of wanting his love or even feelinglike you don’t have his love unless he was already giving you some. By taking toomuch credit, by forgetting the fact spiritual sight is all a gift, you’re robbing him ofglory and yourself of a lot of joy. Stop it.
Keller, T. J. (2013). The Timothy Keller SermonArchive. New York City: Redeemer PresbyterianChurch.
How easy to pretned here!
Jesus did strange things in his ministry that shocks us like coldwater on a winter morning. If you don't ever feel shocked whenyou read the bible you either aren't reading the bible or you'refiltering it.
Among the top things that seem strange and shcoking to me is that once Jesus has died and rosefrom the grave, He didn't remain to prove the truth. He didn't come to Pilate and say "why?" or tothe Pharisees and say "Good try" or to the crowd and say "Let's try this one more time." Clearly if noone understood that he must suffer for the sins of the world before he suffered, died andresurrected surely his word, with is resurrected presence would have made a difference. Thatmakes sense to me, but that was not God's plan.
God's plan was for Jesus to return to heaven, for the Spirit tocome, and for the work of evangelizing proclaiming the goodnews to the band of 12, now 11, then 12 again and then 13 withPaul.
How to be healed
Be helaed in stanges
Some like Paul so clear, so definiteily
Some like peter where is he healed? when
At the following?
At the confession?
But then he rebukes JEsus
At the we left all?
But then he renounces Jesus
At the empty tomb?
But then he's back to fishing and we get thispicture that he doing what he did before Jesuscame.
At the ascension?
maybe ... cause then pentcost comes...
Such a progression!
*** Think waht this means to Mark himself!
He left
But he is useful to me!
Be healed in community
Great words from Keller
If you come to Redeemer every week, and you feel greatsomehow because of the music and the message, and you don’thave friends to process this with, to work it in, to work it out, tothink it out, to apply it, you’re not going to get the benefit of it.
Keller, T. J. (2013). The Timothy Keller SermonArchive. New York City: Redeemer PresbyterianChurch.
Be helaed in confidence
Main idea
two stage healing
A looking back of Jesusworking with desiciples
A looking forward to Peter
A split of mark's book
Stage 1 Who is Jesus? Messiah
Stage 2 _ What is Jesus about? Suffering
in 6:45 tried to reach Bethsaida, but didn'tmake it, went to gennersert. But ehre makeit.
Jesus goes out of his way tot show the disciplesthat he is there for the peopel fo the west as muchas the peope of the east of the lake (gentile andjew)
Disciples are different than pharisees becausewhile pharisees request a sign "to test him" thedisciples are asking questions "who is this"
They don't get it, but there'spatience. Tye're trying. They see, butit's dimly.
THe pharisees don't see, they don'tget, they understand nothing ofJesus.
ONly satan and pharisees explicitlytest jesus in Mark 1:13, 8:11, 10:2,12:15
After arriving by boat in Bethsaida, Jesus and the disciples are met bypeople requesting the healing of a blind man. This miracle and themiracle of healing of the deafmute in 7: 3137 are similar to one anotherand are the only two miracles in Mark that are omitted by Matthew andLuke.
Edwards Jr., James R. (20091005). The Gospel accordingto Mark (Pillar New Testament Commentary) (KindleLocations 45394541). Eerdmans Publishing Co A. KindleEdition.
Seein gis the idea here
9 instances and 8 differentgreek words are used between2225
Why? TO counteract the clear indication sofblindness of hte disicples in the stories leading upto this.
uniqute abou this miracle
only miracle besides the mutthat is uniquley markan
only miracle period that is in two stages
(1) Jesus' question if his action has been effective ("Do you seeanything?"); (2) the explicit reference to only partial healing ("I canactually see people, but they look to me like treesonly they'rewalking!");
William L. Lane. The Gospel according to Mark: The English TextWith Introduction, Exposition, and Notes (The New InternationalCommentary on the New Testament) (Kindle Locations29492950). Kindle Edition.
3) It is the only time Jesusactually spit on anyone.
That last point needs to be clarified a bit. In Mark 7:3137 Jesus healed a deaf man with a speechimpediment by putting his fingers into the man’s ears, then spitting on his fingers and touching theman’s tongue. And when Jesus healed the man born blind in John 9, he spat on the ground, mademud with the saliva, and then put the mud on the man’s eyes and they were healed. But this text isnotable because it is the only time Jesus ever literally spit on anyone. That alone should make youstop and think, “What’s going on here?”
The first "healing touch" for them will come on the road to Caesarea Philippi (8:27ff.) when Peter declares that Jesus is Messiah. The disciples will be no longerblind, but their vision will remain imperfect and blurred, for they do not understandthe meaning of Messiahship. Only at the cross and resurrection will they, like theman at Bethsaida, see "everything clearly" (v. 25).
Edwards Jr., James R. (20091005). The Gospel accordingto Mark (Pillar New Testament Commentary) (KindleLocations 45924594). Eerdmans Publishing Co A. KindleEdition.
All the Bible commentators remark on this because there is nothing else like it in the gospels. Weknow that everything Jesus did, he did for a purpose. He never did “random” miracles or simplyperformed miracles for no reason at all. So there must be some purpose in the twostage healingof this blind man. But the text merely relates the story. It doesn’t explain the deeper meaning. Andthat brings us back to the question, “What’s going on here?” In order to get down to the root ofthe matter, let’s ask a few questions.