MindMap Gallery Wholesaling Lease Options Joe McCall
This is a mind map about "Wholesaling Lease Options Joe McCall".
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Wholesaling Lease Options Joe McCall
Best at
Best Video Training on the Market Hands Down
Best Training to Fully Automate your EntireRE Business with Complete Control
Best Training for Hiring Virtual Assisstant'sUnder $3 / hour.
Best Systems to Find Free Leads & Have themCalling You
What You'll Get
Fast Start Training
Main Mindmap for Lease Options
A Few Introductory Webinars
8 Main Video Training Modules
Mod 1: Intro, It's a Business, Market Research
Mod 2: Seller Marketing (Part 1)
Mod 3: Seller Marketing (Part 2)
Mod 4: Talking to Sellers (Part 1)
Mod 5: Talking to Sellers (Part 2)
Mod 6: Walking Through An Example Deal
Mod 7: Selling the House
Mod 8: Other Resources
Tools & Docs
Contracts to Use with National Attorney
Contracts to Use to Do it Yourself
Video Training How to Use the Contracts
Bonus Training
Virtual Assistant Resource Center
Podio Training (Free CRM)
Flipping Houses While on Vacation
Control Without Ownership Summit Videos
Saturday Bootcamp Videos
Fast Cash Survival Kit
How I Do All My Marketing Special Webinar
How to Flip Hard to Flip Properties
Lease Purchase GUTS with Claude Diamond
Leads in an Hour
Pro's / Con's
Step by Step Screen Recordings
Most Comprehensive Training on the Market
Large Portion of Business is Based on FreeLeads
Provides Lawyer & Paperwork so you Don'thave to worry about doing anything wrong for1st deal
Best Training for Doing Actual Market Researchand Choosing your Target Areas
He gives you Basically everything He has evercreated or taught regarding the subject
Alot of Info (Also a Pro)
Virtual Assistant
Who It's For / Not For
You're ready to Go All in and give Lease OptionInvesting a try and want the Best VideoTraining on the Market
Like having Customizable Options
Like the Idea of Your System Running with orwithout You
Not For
If you Want an Exact Script of What to Say
If you dont own a Computer or are HighlyIntimidated by them.
Alternative Courses
This is Best LO Course IMO
Automation without VA
Joe Crump Push Button AutoMarketer
Live in Texas
John Jackson
Subject To & Owner Finance Deals
Ron Legrand Pretty House Terms Cash FlowSystem
Script Wanted
Joe Crump Push Button Automarketer
Wendy Paton Buying on Lease Options
If I Paid $2,000 I still would've felt I got myMoney's worth.
This is $2,000 of Value that Sells for $1,000, thatJoe puts on Sale from time to time and sells ata Good Discount.
Click Here to See if Joe is Running any Specials