MindMap Gallery Not a Lost Cause
This is a mind map about "Not a Lost Cause".
Edited at 2020-12-23 09:49:25Not a Lost Cause
In developing countries where bosstingeconomic growth outweighs protecting theenvironment
increase production in manufacturing
Since the Industrial Revolution, atmospheric CO2has increased by around 100ppm due to humanactivity
Manufacturing factories produce high amounts
of greenhouse gases and other harmful gases
along with toxic waste dumped into water
In fastgrowing cities such as China,cropland is converted to nonfarmuses
Industrial construction, paving of land for roads, highways andparking loats are claimimng cropland in densely populatedcountries that are rapidly industrializing such as CHINA andINDIA
in 2011, new car sales in China are projected to reach 20 million. Itis estimated that for every 5 million cars added to a country's fleet,roughly 1 million acres must be paved to accomodate them andcropland is a often the loser.
Government often believe that environment has alongterm impact therefore they may just focus onshorter term issues such as economic growth throughindustrialization.
However in developed countries efforts havebeen made to reduce environmentaldegradation
developed countries has more stable economicgrowth and therefore can diverge their attentionmore on environmental isssues
Singapore Government policy that motor vehiclesmust be fiited with catalytic converter to reducepollution (environmentalfriendly car)
Use of renewable source of energysuch as Wind Power inNetherlands
developing countries also startcontributing their parts in saving theenvironment
China has a policy such that citizens have to bringtheir own plastic bag as they will be supplied. If not,they have to purchase a cloth bag on the spot for$1
but these measures are obsolete, compared tothe largescale environment degradation causedby their manufacturing industries
The sense of urgency among all levels ofcommunities in the world is heightened forcontinued efforts to address the challengingissuesenvironment degradation
Regional Associations such as ASEAN
ASEAN Celebrates the ASEAN Environmentally Sustainable Development Film Festival
Phnom Penh, 19 October 2011
The Film Festival is a part of the implementation of ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan(AEEAP) 20082012, which aims to inspire and promote awareness of ASEAN citizens on theimportance of multistakeholders' participation in addressing climate change.
Over the last decade, there have been adequate examples of natural disasters around theASEAN region which have claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. It shows howsusceptible the Southeast Asian region is to changing environmental conditions.
diplomatic agreements thruinternational organisations such asUN
Kyoto Protocol
gained support from 55 countries toreduce carbon emmissions by2015
but many believe that this protocol is a failure
Copenhagen Summit
UN mobile app lets users calculate size of carbon footprint 13 December 2011
A new United Nations mobile telephone application released today lets users calculate their carbon footprint, visualize its equivalent in a particular ecosystem, and learn new ways in which they can reduce their emissions through specific actions.
The UN Climate Change Conference in Durban,South Africa concluded on Sunday, 11 Decemberwith a package of decisions called the DurbanPlatform.
a continuation of the Kyoto Protocol
Three Nations Agree to ConserveBiodiverse Heart of Borneo
Movement against Kleenex Clear cut
Greenpeace Ends Its “Kleercut” Campaignand Applauds the Company’s SustainabilityEfforts
KC has set a goal of obtaining 100% of thecompany's wood fibre for tissue products fromenvironmentally responsible resources
enhance the conservation andprotection of Endangered Forests
These revised standards are proof that when responsible companies and Greenpeace come together,
the results can be good for business and great for the planet
KC's efforts are challenge to its competitors
'i hope other companies pay close attention'
Cooperations are aware of the consumerist behaviour of individuals and thus make us of it as a mean to gain more and more profit. The Demandsuuply theory The more individuals demand fore goods, the more the the factories will produce goods for us
Largescale production by factories to meet the escalatingdemand produces toxic chemicals and emits greenhouse gasesthat have adverse impacts on our environment such as globalwarming
Since coopertaions want to mximize profit, theyprefer not to produce "green product" whichincludes higher cost of production.
Selling this higher price product to consumers meansproducer may lose in term of price competitiveness with theirrivals since they have to sell the 'green products' at highercost
A cursory glance around some shopping sites at laundry detergent shows
that the green detergent we use, Mrs. Meyers, comes in at $0.20 per fluid
oz, while another green product, Seventh Generation, comes in at $0.14 per
fluid ounce. However, All 2X Concentrated Laundry Detergent(nongreen)
comes in at roughly $0.09 per fluid ounce.
Therefore, most cooperations choose to producenongreen products which may involve the use andemission of toxic chemicals during the process ofproduction.
In May 2002, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) released an extensive report saying
that, “there was a growing gap between the efforts to reduce the impact of business and industry on
nature and the worsening state of the planet” and that “this gap is due to the fact that only a small
number of companies in each industry are actively integrating social and environmental factors into
business decisions.”
Corporate Social Responsibility
lack of CSR
One sharp example of environmental problems caused by multinationalcorporations, is the drive to extract oil from Nigeria6. As the previous link, from thissite’s section on Africa shows, corporations have even backed the military toharass, even kill, local people who continue to protest at the environmental andother problems the activities of the various oil companies have caused.
CSR manipulated by company tomaximize profit instead of to save theenvironment
Increasing green movement in the society. A certain group ofindividuals will be attracted to buy a product if it is called 'greenproduct'since this individual will feel that they have actuallycontributed into saving the environment by using this product
Companies use this 'green movement' concept to actually increasetheir sales by attracting these green activists to use their products.The very aim of Corporate Social Responsibility itself is lost, whichis to ensure the welfare of the environment and the society.
With increased consumerism, there has been a rise in the number of environmental groups campaigning on variousissues such as environmentally friendly products. To varying extents then, environmental concerns are issues thatsometimes make the mainstream news. However, a cover story11, of Down To Earth magazine from DelhibasedCentre for Science and Environment as an example, warns that the latest craze in green and ethical consumerismmay just be another way for corporations to exploit people and make money by misrepresenting the facts. As anotherexample of this, EarthDay Resources’ annual Don’t Be Fooled Awards12 highlight some of what they call thecorporate “greenwashing” that goes on through advertising and lobbying campaigns.
Kimberly's Clark shockingmismanagement of forestresources
shocking photos of a massive stockpile ofoldgrowth logs destined to become disposableproducts Kleenex tissue
egregious mismanagement of the forests
Company's claim that 'much of the fibrecomes from leftovers of the lumber productionprocess
It turns out that KC is purchasing hugequantities of pulp made primarily from whole, oldgrowth trees
71% of Kenogami Forests hasbenn fragmented
substantial decline of monitoredspecies by 80% within the next 100years
threaten species habitats
ICIS awards
a strong emphasis onsustainability and theenvironment
judges noted that the company has wellestablished and deeply embedded philosophiesof social n corpoorate responsibility