MindMap Gallery Mark 13 32
This is a mind map about "Mark 13 32". Bible. New Testament
Edited at 2020-12-23 09:55:55Mark 13 32
This started off with asking for a sign, and jesusso answeres in context to the question. Hegives them a sign of the destruction of thetmeple.
But here, he talks of his 2nd return, and for that,tehre are no signs
how do we know this is about the end?
Thus, one event was close at hand (Jerusalem’sfall). It would happen within the time span ofthat generation and would be immediatelypreceded by the sign of the Abomination ofDesolation.
Storms, Sam. Kingdom Come: The AmillennialAlternative
"that day" as compared to "those days"(17,1,20,24)
And up to now, all kinds of signs.. signs .. andhere no one knows. No sign. Just be ready
So step back and give summary outline (onscreen?)
Comment on This generation
As Lane clearly demonstrates, elsewhere whenMark uses the phrase "this generation," it refersto Jesus' contemporaries temporaries (see 8:12,38; 9:19) and is not a generic ethnic reference toa race of people.208
Ben Witherington III. The Gospel of Mark: ASocioRhetorical Commentary
a generation is about 40 years
"the son"
Why is he ignorant?
Jesus assumes here what mark is trying to show He is the son of God
main points
No apocalyptic calculations beforehand canviolate that sovereignty. The end comes withoutany warning. No one will have time forlastsecond preparations.
Garland, David E.. Mark (The NIV ApplicationCommentary Book 2) (p. 503). Zondervan.Kindle Edition.
Four parts of the night and sleeping
This will definitely point to Gethsemane
As Myers says, it is as if Mark is saying to hisown audience, "we all live in a Gethsemanemoment in human history;
Ben Witherington III. The Gospel of Mark: ASocioRhetorical Commentary
i say to all
This pregnant statement serves to recall verse 3,where the question which prompted theeschatological discourse was asked privately byPeter, James, John and Andrew.
William L. Lane. The Gospel of Mark (KindleLocations 50745076). Kindle Edition.
Stay awake
The point is not WATCHFULNESS as i'mpurusing the signs and figuring out what'shappening, the whole point is FAITHFULNESS towhat God has given me to do
Each member has "his work" and by completingit he fulfills the obligation to watch. 116Vigilance is the responsibility of every believerand provides the sole guarantee ofpreparedness for the Lord's return.
Eschatology is not meant to be crippling tomissiology, but empowering.
You told Peter to put back his sword and you restored the one wounded. That’s what we long for. A reprimand to the one who would injure and a healing within the one injured. God of miracles, please do it again. We need you. Our nation needs you. Our leaders need you. Many a home today will not have a loved one returning. Without you we have no hope. With you all things are possible—even for beauty to come out of ashes. We pray for the day of unarmed truth and unconditional love. Please answer our prayer.
Ways to stay awake
Stay awake WATCH
The point of Mark 13 is not so much to informas to admonish; not to provide knowledge ofarcane matters but to instill obedience inbelievers.
Edwards Jr., James R.. The Gospel according toMark (The Pillar New Testament Commentary(PNTC))
Watching does not mean sitting quietly andpassively as you gaze into the skies. It meansserving, being diligent to help others, obeyingGod.
Storms, Sam. Kingdom Come: The AmillennialAlternative
What I want to say to you, i say to all
This is a message to us all
Teh point here of stay awake and his return is ...
NOT neccessarily a simple care for self. whenwill we escape
The point is partially that, but before we are toldto perpare to die for our faith
ILL: Russian Law
Now in Iowa
The point is to do what is given us, whichweaved through thsi chapter has been thepreachign of teh gsopel,t he gathering of theelect.
Be on guard
Lots of warnings about false techers
Be on guard against that which will keep youawake
Great quote in Screwtape letters
Be faithful in the ordinary
Not in parable of lamp, you can still sleep, butthere's a way to sleep and be waiting
"servants in charge" God has something hehas left for you
Matt 24:3744
Eating drinking marraige not a bad thing
We don't stop this as we wait. These are thebasics of life and just cause the end of history iscoming, it does not mean that the most basicthings in this life is not important. That's not thepoint. The point is not getting lost in them.
The world will be caught completely offguardby the coming of Christ. People will be engagedin normal, routine occupations of life: farming,fellowship, marriage, etc. (Cf. Luke 17: 2830; 1Thess. 5: 3.). Jesus will come at a time ofwidespread indifference, normalcy, materialisticendeavors, when everyone is thoroughlyinvolved in the pursuit of their earthly affairsand ambitions (cf. 2 Pet. 3: 34, 10). His comingwill occur at a time so unexpected, sounannounced, that it will catch people in themiddle of their everyday routines (see vv.4041).
Storms, Sam. Kingdom Come: The AmillennialAlternative
Jesus will come at a time when his coming is thefarthest thing from Jesus will come at a timewhen his coming is the farthest thing from
Storms, Sam. Kingdom Come: The AmillennialAlternative
Have the right perspective on life
You are a slave, a servant
Is that offensive?
ILL: MOravian
Would you?
Would it be worth it?
At the end of the day, that's what we bet is itnot?
Trust His word (refer to verse 31 again)
V. 31 seems to be a way of Jesus saying that theworld will fail before his words fail, or putanother way, his word is more permanent andlasting than the universe.
Ben Witherington III. The Gospel of Mark: ASocioRhetorical Commentary
“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it weawait a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who willtransform our lowly body to be like his gloriousbody, by the power that enables him even tosubject all things to himself.” (Philippians3:20–21, ESV)
main pint
George Orwell wrote in Nineteen EightyFour: “Ifyou want a picture of the future, imagine a bootstamping on the human face— forever.” 53 Jesusalso saw the boot, but he assures his disciples thatthe “forever” part is false. The Son of Man willcome and send his angels to gather his elect whohave held fast to the end. Despite their suffering,the future belongs to God’s people, because Godwill intervene in the world to destroy evil forever.
Garland, David E.. Mark (The NIV ApplicationCommentary Book 2) (p. 511). Zondervan. KindleEdition.
Difficult days are not unheard of
Tacitus on the time
Mark wrote his Gospel at a time when the wholeworld was falling apart— particularly if one wasa Jewish Christian.
Garland, David E.. Mark (The NIV ApplicationCommentary Book 2) (p. 504). Zondervan.Kindle Edition.
Our time
if ou have grown up with a certaineschatological view, you may be at a certainpiont in one of these two camps
Numb so you don't really care much aboutesch
just all about the already aspect of ouraslavation. About the kingdom now. Here.rewewal and reflorusing are words you hear,and at times I will say them
Danger is we lose the very tone of the newtestament
Acts what will they await?
Will you now restore the kingdom?
They ware waiting for the kingdom
and then we have weeks like this week and weundrstand way. Why we wait. Why we long. Whywe want. Why we ache.
Because we live in a world where sin is stillrampant.
Where brokeness still reigns
Where bondage to hate and anger still exists