The analysis phase begins after the project team selects a developmentmethodology, draws up the Project Development Plan, and receivespermission to proceed from management. The goal of the analysis phaseis to produce a list of requirements for a new or revised informationsystem.
Design Phase
The project team must figure out how the new system willfulfill the requirements specified in the SystemRequirements Report. There are a list of activities for theDesign Phase:
1. Identify potential solutions
They might be more effective, less costly, or less complex. Therefore, it isnot a good idea to proceed with the first solution that comes to mind.The project team should instead identify several potential hardware andsoftware solutions by brainstorming and researching case studies at websites and in computer publications.
2. Evaluatesolutions and select the best.
3. Select hardware andsoftware.
4. Develop application specifications.
5. Obtainapproval to implement the new system.
Implementation Phase
The project team supervises the tasks necessary to construct the newinformation system. There are a set of tasks that take place during thisphase:
1. Purchase and install hardware and/or software.
2. Createapplications.
3. Test applications.
4. Finalize documentation.
5. Train users.
6. Convert data.
7. Convert to new system.
Maintenance Phase
Involves day-to-day operation of the system, making modifications toimprove performance, and correcting problems. After an informationsystem is implemented, it remains in operation for a period of time. Duringthis time, maintenance activities ensure that the system functions aswell as possible. There are a list of activities for this phase:
1. Operateequipment.
2. Make backups.
3. Provide help to users.
4. Fix bugs.
5. Optimize for speed and security.
6. Revise software as necessary tomeet business needs.