MindMap Gallery Why Is The Bible Used
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1984 - George Orwell
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INDISTRACTABLE - How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life
LEADERSHIFT - The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace
NINE LIES ABOUT WORK - A Freethinking Leader's Guide to the Real World
Why Is The Bible Used
Privately by Christians
Private use of the lector divina
To use as guidance when studying the Biblealone.
Coming to the Bible without anypreconceptions, makes sure no one elseopinions are influening
You are making sure it is speaking to YOU
Stops us using your blik
The language we reading is meaningful to us aswe see it through our own spiritualunderstanding
May challenge your views
Helps you to see alternative views
Might make understanding deeper and moremeaningful. Contextualising it.
"Commentaries should be used to supportrather than direct our own interrpatiivteinvestigation" Holgate
Immediate reassurance or guidance
Private study in tune with lectionary
Contemplation, Prayer, Meditation
Ethical Guidance
How to live your life.
Keeping in touch with God
Keeping your relationship living
Inspire creativity
i.e. Artists, Musicians
Educating children
Set Reading
Private Devotional Reading
Group Study/Bible Study
to create hymns
To create Prayer
The lords Prayer isdirectly from scripture
Liturgy, pattern of the service
Used in Baptisms, weddings, funeral,confirmation
Right of Passage
Eucharist (Thanksgiving)
Used to encourage worship and evangelise
Sunday School
Alpha Course
Bring more people into the church, askingquestions
Missionary Work
Inspire you to do the work
Used in work
Publicly by Christians
The Revised common lectionary
Disciplines worship leaders to use wider rangeof biblical texts, rather than just ones they arecomfortable with.
Allows for ecumenical movement
Helps worship leaders make connectionsbetween biblical texts
Restrict worship leaders, cannot respond tonews and current affairs.
Worship leaders and congregations may beguided towards particular interpretations oftext by placing certain texts together.
Could narrow down interpretation
Doesn't include the whole Bible
Leaves reading up to the individual, leavingroom for misunderstanding or people notreading it at all.
Also shapes their understanding of theimportant parts of Christianity
Expository Preaching
"Expository preaching is structured, discourse,direct, reflective, and concretely applied.
It is the breakdown of passages, putting it intocontext and explaining passages to thecongregation.
It is regularly designed to challenge people'scurrent beliefs and attitudes.
Whatever your world view you will translate andsee things in that way. SL: RM. Hare "Peoplehave bliks"
Dangerous to see the Bible through only yourown eyes
Breaks it down into how they confronted theiroriginal hearers and readers, in order to make itrelevant today.
Also important to see the Bible as a whole text,and not picking out individual texts andreading them alone.
Youth +Bible Study
Spontaneous Speaking/ preaching
Street preaching
Proclaiming it
Being overcome by the holy spirit
In testimony
Putting faith into action
For devotional Reasons
For academic reasons (students)