- Forecasting and backcasting used as a tool
- FSSD for understanding sustainability
- Business model Canvas (BMC) (design)
- Product-service system (PSS) (promote)
- Defining performance indicators
8. Employee relations
- Encouraging sufficiency
- Adopting a stewardship role
9. Health, wellness, safety and security
- Promoting good health of employees
- Improving work-life balance of employees- their social values
- Eliminating the possibility and minimizing the impact of accidents
- Protecting the information and intellectual property of customers and employees
5. Procurement, supply chain and logistics
- Substituting with renewables and natural processes
- Developing scale-up solutions
4. Research and innovation
- Substituting with renewables and natural processes
- Delivering functionality rather than ownership
- Developing scale-up solutions
3. Corporate citizenship and social development
- Encouraging sufficiency
- Adopting a stewardship role
- Re-purposing the business for society/environment
2. Business and operational excellence
Developing scale-up solutions
1. Resource optimization and minimization of waste and emissions
- Maximising material and energy efficiency
- Creating value from ‘waste’