How did Hitler manage to become Chancellor in January 1933
Item 1 - The meeting of 4 January 1933
Item 2 - Winning over Hindenburg
Item 3 - Burleigh's view
Other reasons
No real opposition from other parties i.e. KPD, DNVP, SPD
Failing coalitions
Democracy failed after Bruning activated Article 48 (The President took control without the Reichstag's influence).
Historians - who was to blame ?
Fischer - Schleicher, he argues, was a major influence BTS it is through his actions that Hitler fianlly gained power
Bullock - Papen's motivations for making the deal with the Nazis to take revenge on Schleicher , was to blame for Hilteer's acquistion of power. He intiated the negotiations and persuaded Hindenburg. "Papen only had himself to blame for one the most shocking mistakes of the 20th century" Bullock 1991, p.284
Kershaw - Hindenburg was to blame during the meeting in January 1933. Schleicher requested the President to dissolve the Reighstag. But Hindenburg refused. "Had Hindenburg been prepared to grant Schleicher the dissolution he allowed Papen. Hitler's Chancellorship might have been avoided
Von Papen
Papen was characterised as Hindenburg's favourite
Papen's revenge was to approach Hitler with a deal; Hitler could be Chancellor if he accepted Vice Chancellor of Non-Nazis.
Papen went to Hindenburg with this deal; he said it would bring political stability and the Non. Nazi Cabinate would keep them in check
Von Schleicher
Schleicher was characterised as a unprincipled schemer.
Suceeded Papen as Chancellor
As Chancellor he did not use his power constructively.
He breaking friendships thus making more enemies.
Torpedoed Muller's government bu persuading Hindenburg to with draw his support
1932 - plotted against Bruning and Papen
Tried to persuade PH that he would able to build a 'Grand Coalition' uniting the army, bourgeois parties, the SPD, the unions and some of the NSDAP
After PH withdrew his support, his position and influence deterioriated.
Failed to split the NSDAP and lost support from the DNVP
Historians find it ironic that the support lost in the election finally allowed Hitler to gain power. This was done by a seried of BTS manoevuvers.
To gain power, the Nazis had to win over both President Hindenburg and other Conservatives. It was clear Hindenburg did not like Hitler.
A meeting between Hitler and Hindenburg in 1932 where Hilter refused to serve as anything than Chancellor.
Hindenburg withdraw his support from Schleicher, forcing him to resign.
Relations between Hitler, Papen, Schleiche and Hindenburg played important part in the BTS negotiations which led to Hitler being appointed Chancellor in January 1993
The presidential election in1932 and 1933 were successes to the Nazis. But the party lost ground in the election in Novemeber.