Memorization: There are different levels of memorization that are engaged by different types of activities. This has to do with the frequency and potency of retrieval opportunities.
Short Term Memory
Sensory Memory
Question: Are certain senses more strongly associated with memory than others? (I have heard this about our sense of smell.)
Long Term Memory: Think Spongebob episode with the filing cabinets on fire or "core memories" from Inside Out.
Memories associated with strong emotions are more likely to stick.
Working Memory
Learning Styles: There is little-to-no research that supports the success of learning through learning style-specific curriculum.
Brain Capacity is limited. Our brains must "dump" old information in order to make space for new information.
Scaffolding: We often try to fit new information into a pre-existent system in our brains according to our previous knowledge, context, and culture.
The Brain does not function in silos.
Creativity: Can It Be Increased?
Problem-solving and critical thinking are higher order skills.
Feedback is pivotal to development in these areas.
Relationships and Environment
More to be added as the class continues.
Personal Belief: It is a privilege to be invited into peoples' stories.
Personal Identities impact our presence in the classroom. I must be cognizant of my role as a white, CIS-gendered woman.
Another consideration: how do my identities differently impact students of varying ethnic and racial backgrounds based on cultural norms?
My teaching identity is routed in being a collaborative learner with students. I am not an authoritarian or keeper of all knowledge.
Learning is collaborative.
Collaboration among peers, colleagues, and fields.
Teaching is a form of leadership.
Best Practices
Inclusivity- As noted in Maslow's hierarchy (based on research conducted on Blackfoot Nation,) psychological safety is a basic need. Students must feel safe before they will be able to optimally retain information.
Inclusivity is defined by all classroom participants through clear expectations.
Sub Topic
Critical Questioning- Students learn when they question what they already know (or think they know.)
Grading should not solely be based on completion or accuracy. Grading highly impacts the learner's experience with content matter, and we as instructors, largely determine what impression is made based on the numbers/ letters we write in red.
Class Structure
Encourage Responsibility and Autonomy
Create Dilemmas: Challenge students with information that does not fit their current schemas. Catalyze cognitive dissonance.
Consider students in their holistic development and existence.
Students bring more than just our homework to class. In the words of Tim O'Brien, what are "the things they carry" into our classrooms?