Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching:
Alternative approaches and methods
Major language trends in twentieth-century language teaching
It is the content or subject matter of an individual subject, while curriculum is the contents to be taught, objectives, visions and missions that the institution has.
The articulation of teachers' beliefs and the definition of the context are constraints that help us focus on what is realistic and appropriate.
The organization of the curriculum is based on goals and objectives together with the needs analysis.
The study plan is composed of different steps involved in the design of a course, including the different types of syllabus, the selection of the form of the syllabus and the organization of the course.
Alternative approaches and methods
Total Physical Response
The provision of comprehensible input and stress reduction are considered key to successful language acquisition.
The Silent Way
The innovations of Gattegno's method derive in the form of its organization, the indirect role of the teacher, the responsibility of the learners to find out and test the functioning of the language, and the materials and practice of the language.
Community Language Learning
Critics of Community Language Learning question the appropriateness of the counseling metaphor on which it is based.
Lozanov stressed that the air of science is what gives Suggestopedia its authority in the eyes of students and prepares them to expect success.
Whole Language
The Integrated Language have developed a rich range of materials that can offer an integrated approach to teaching and that can be adapted for use in a wide variety of contexts.
Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligences is an increasingly popular approach to characterizing the ways in which learners are unique and to developing instruction that responds to this uniqueness.
Neurolinguistic Programming
NLP for some teachers comes from humanistic principles that provide a new rationale for well-known techniques from the communicative or humanistic repertoire or a harmony with many learner-centered and person-centered viewpoints.
The lexical approach
The most convincing way in which a lexicon-based theory of language and language learning can be applied at the design and procedural levels suggests that it is still an idea in search of an approach and methodology.
Competency-Based Language Teaching
The function of education is to transmit knowledge and socialize students in accordance with the values of the dominant socio-economic group.
The teacher's job is to devise ever more effective ways of transmitting knowledge: what counts is successful transmission.
Major language trends in twentieth-century languageteaching
A brief history of language teaching
Throughout history, learning languages has been a challenge, so new methods of learning have been implemented.
Methods were created so that today any language can be better understood, with the first language guiding the second.
The Grammar-Translation Method reflected a time-honored and scholarly view of language and language study
The nature of approaches and methodsin language teaching
Three levels of conceptualization and organization were identified, which he called approach, method and technique.
The roles of teachers, students and teaching materials are specified. The teaching methods used in specific decisions at the levels of approach, design and procedure.
Creating a classroom atmosphere is a crucial factor, and his method seeks to alleviate feelings of intimidation and insecurity, thus seeking curiosity among the subject matter and students.
The Oral Approach and SituationalLanguage Teaching
A scientific basis for an oral approach to English language teaching was developed that is evidenced in the Direct Method.
Vocabulary was seen as an essential component of reading proficiency having a great impact.
Speech was considered the basis of language, and structure was considered to be at the heart of the ability to speak
The Audiolingual Method
Teaching audiolingualism is characterized by linguistic form and behavioral psychology.
Audiolingualism is a formal, rule-governed system that can be organized to promote effective teaching and learning.
There are language skills and attention in exercises and practice of the basic structures and sentence patterns of the language, methods that draw on each other.