travel agent,receptionist, manager in tourism activities, hotel or restaurant manager
curriculum and syllabus for English classes
bachelor degree 14-28 hour master degree- 2 or 4 hour
8 years experience- at least B2 level.
four categories of competences
“soft skills” or “people skills” being transferable from one field to another
paramount for students’ future
careers, being very much sought for on the labour market
Luca, et al. and Allison
comprise teamwork,
problem solving and decision-making skills, willingness to succeed, assertiveness, but also concern for quality, active listening skills, diplomacy persuasion skills
diplomacy, positive attitude and commitment, professional communicationskills, adaptability
E. Frendo attitude, behaviour, believes and values which exist within national or organisational cultures and which help people communicatesuccessfully with people from other cultures
focuses on the basic elements
that together form a language,
(phonology, grammar and vocabulary)
Hofstede et al dimensions which are commonly used when comparing cultures
high vs. low context,
femininity vs. masculinity, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, monochronic vs. polychronic conception of time, individualism vs. collectivism
occulistics (eyecontact), kinesics (body language), proxemics (body distance), haptics (touch), or paralanguage (the way we use tone,intonation, turn-taking or speed of talking)
E.Frendo focuses on the basic elements that together form a language, (phonology, grammar and vocabulary)
A.Vizental there used to be a prejudice according to which vocabulary teaching was equivalent to providing students with long lists of isolated words, generally organized in semantic fields, but not contextualized, which had to be learned by heart
types of activities to enhance the linguistic competence
word formation, verbs in
brackets, multiple matching, translations, find words/ phrases for explanations given, open cloze, error correction, information transfer, multiple choice
E. Frendo the discourse competence always situates language in use, involving people’s ability to generateappropriate language in different contexts corresponding to professional communication.
the ability of recognizing language and languagepatterns, consequently encompassing all
the four language skills
the ability to
explain and persuade, delivering good
extemporaneous presentations, efficiently
speaking on the phone, using appropriate
language during meetings and discussions.
activities to enhance discourse competence:
dual/ multiple choice,
yes/no questions, open ended questions,
information transfer, blank completion, multiple matching, filling in a grid, taking notes, (re)creating a message based on notes taken.
teaching materials
English for International Tourism series (Pearson Education Longman), the Oxford English for Careers: Tourism series, the English for Tourism and Hospitality in Higher Education series (GarnetEducation), Test Your Professional English: Hotel and Catering (Pearson Education), English for the Travel and Tourism Industry (CUP)
AFAR, The Travel Magazine, Today’s Traveller, The Sunday Times Travel Magazine,Euro TravelMagazine TV documentaries from
well known TV channels (Travel&Living,
The Travel Channel, TV Touring