Eliminate all forms of violence against women in public and private spaces, including trafficking in persons and sexual exploitation, as well as various other types of exploitation.
End all forms of discrimination against women everywhere.
Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child marriage, early and forced marriage, and female circumcision.
Recognize and reward unpaid care work and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies, and the promotion of nationally appropriate shared responsibilities within the household and family.
Ensure full and effective participation, and equal opportunities for women to lead at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and community life.
Actions of physical/non-physical violence perpetrated by one gender/family, community or state against the other gender
Sexual harassment
Sexual exploitation of women and pornography
The workload received by one gender is more than the other sex
Women: soft and emotional so they shouldn't be managers or leaders
Women: the main workers are at home and if they work they only help their husbands so they are paid less and don't need a high position
A process of marginalization due to gender differences that results in poverty
Kindergarten teachers, convection workers, domestic helper factory workers are considered as low-level workers so that it affects the wages they receive
Changes from traditional farming systems to modern agricultural systems using machines, thus marginalizing women workers
A judgment/assumption that a role performed by one sex is inferior to the other
There is still very little representation of women in the world of politics dalam dunia politik
In remuneration, married women are considered single so they are given inappropriate wages
Treat it the best possible
In accordance with the needs and relevant to the demands of the times
Providing jobs that match your interests and talents
Not experiencing gender bias
Equal treatment and opportunity
Characteristics of gender equality
Psychoanalytic theory
Revealing that the behavior and personality of men and women from the beginning is determined by sexual development
Economic theory
Individuals as creatures who are bound and interact with their environment
Radical feminism theory
Focusing more on the existence of the family and the patriarchal system (male)
Marzis-Social feminism theory
Awareness of oppressed groups
Liberal feminism theory
There is no difference between men and women
Social conflict theory
Conflict in the social system
A trait inherent in both men and women that is socially and culturally constructed
Konsep seks atau gender mengacu pada perbedaan biologis antara perempuan dan laki - laki, pada perbedaan tubuh antara laki-laki dan perempuan