MindMap Gallery Methods and approaches in languages teaching and learning
A Piece of Something in English
Punctuation Marks
101 Ways to Learn English
10 Helpful Tips to Teach Yourself English
9 Steps for How to Learn English Fast
How to Improve Your English Listening Skills
12 Keys to Speaking English Fluently
How to Start Teaching Kids English at Home
How to Learn English at Home
6 Tips for Learning New Words
Methods and Approaches
Grammar-Translation Method
Focus: Grammar.
Goal: Read literature from English speaking countries.
Constant use of L1.
Important macroskills: Reading and writing.
Direct Method
Goal: To make the learning process more natural. Simmilar to the acquisition of L1.
Important macroskills: Listening and speaking.
Lessons exclusively in English.
Audiolingual Method
Based on the psychological theory of behaviourism (stimulus-response-feedback)
Focus: Forming new habits and getting rid of old ones from L1.
Use of drills and repetition
Communicative Language Teaching
Based on cognitive psychology
Language learning involves active mental processes
The acquisition of the language is subconscious.
Use of drills.
Humanistic Language Teaching
The Silent Way
The teacher is silent (most of the time) and the students speak.
Teacher role: Facilitator or stimulator.
Discovery and creation of rules (inductive approach)
Focus: Relaxation of students.
Students and teacher = Parent-children.
Learning is accidental and natural.
Community Language Learning
Learning occurs in an interpersonal relationship.
Students need to be comfortable to learn.
Teacher role: Counsellor.
Learners role: Expected to be independent and collaborative.
Lexical Approach
Goal: Learning lexical phrases.
Teaching of fixed expressions which usually occur in dialogues
Use of authentic material
Total Physical Response
Learning is more successful if it is associated with physical movement acitivities.
Sub Topic
Used especially in child language acquisition.
Use of the imperative mode.
Task-Based Language Learning
The acquisition of the language is reached by successfully completing tasks.
Teacher role: Facilitator.
Assessment of learning: If students could complete the tasks or not.
Eclectic Approach
The 4 macroskills are equally important.
Learning as a collaborative process (learners-learners and learners-teacher)
Teachers can mix different approaches and techniques from different methods.
Focus: Learners' needs and goals.
Focus: Using English in real contexts.
Inductive Approach
Goal: To teach students how to use the language.
Use of imitation instead of following rules.
Language is taught by using pictures and examples.
Deductive Approach
Teaching of explicit rules to learn the language.
Based on rote learning
Focus on grammar