MindMap Gallery Five principal consorts of Guru Rinpoche
Five principal consorts of Guru Rinpoche: 1. Mandarawa 2. Belwong Kalasiddhi 3. Belmo Sakya Devi 4. Tashi Kyedren 5. Yeshay Tsogyal
It is a mindmap about the 4th Druk Desi
It is a mindmap of a case study of a Buddha named YODPAME
This clear mind map of the "Eight Manifestations of the Guru" primarily illustrates content about Master Cuoji Duoji, Master Duo Jie De Luo Luo, and others. Each content provides several levels of further explanation, including the life stories of the masters, their teachings, and their status and influence in Tibetan Buddhism.
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Five consorts
1. Introduction
Mandarava of Zahor; the emanation of Vajravarahi's Body
Belwong Kalasiddhi of India; the emanation of Vajravarahi's Quality
Belmo Sakya Devi of Nepal; the emanation of Vajravarahi's Mind
Tashi Kyedren of ‘the Himalayas’; the emanation of Vajravarahi's Activity
Yeshe Tsogyal of Tibet; the emanation of Vajravarahi's Speech
2. Mandarawa
Queen Mother of Attainment
Mandarawa means white flower
One of the two important consorts of Guru.
Seat on right side of Guru Rinpochen
princess in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh in India.
At 16 years of age, Mandarava the first of Padmasambhava's
She is dressed in Indian style garments
3. Belwong Kalasiddhi
story of this woman is similar to that of Shakya Devi
abandoned when their mothers died in childbirth
Mandarava, who found the infant sucking at her dead mother's breasts
nurtured her, thus saving her life,
apparently brought her up
Become one of the so-called Five Consorts
4. Belmo Sakya Devi
rainbow body
A daughter of the Nepalese king Punyedhara
When her mother died while giving birth
nurtured by the monkeys who lived there
Padmasambhava one of , the so-called Five Consorts
she practiced with him in the Cave of Yanglesh
Nyingma-pa practice, the practitioner's mind merges with that of a deity
she also achieved the rainbow body
5. Tashi Kyedren
Auspicious Dog Keeper
nomad women
student and consort of Padmasambhava
6. Yeshay Tsogyal
Ocean of Wisdom
one of the two most important consorts of Guru.
She is also one of the main disciples of Guru
emanation of Arya Tara or Vajrayogini.
born as a princess in Kharchen,Tibet
Guru’s oral teaching was written by her
special ability to cure leprosy with her hand
heavily dressed in Tibetan robes
7. Conclusion