MindMap Gallery ANALISIS HBU
ANALISIS HBU Ide utama dari peta pikiran ini: Analisis Pasar dalam HBU Kesimpulan HBU Tanah Kosong Vs Terbangun Kriteria HBU
This mind map primarily analyzes financial assessment methods such as making comparisons, calculating net present value (NPV), and calculating NPV index. By exploring their applications in investment analysis and decision-making, the map further explains their importance in evaluating project feasibility and profitability.
This mind map discusses in detail "DJP (Indonesia's National Identity Card)" and "KJPP (Anti-Corruption Commission)," along with their similarities and differences. By analyzing these institutions' functions and roles, as well as their importance in enhancing government transparency and reducing corruption, the map offers an in-depth perspective on Indonesian governance structures.
purchase ordering workflow
lean innovation with kanban
Project Management Process
Drivers of Changes in Selling and Sales Management
profit tree example
human resource management
External Environment influences on Apple
How to Be Your Own Boss
Comparing the world's 3 leading water tools
Bending The Freshwater Biodiversity Curve - An Emergency Recovery Plan
Analisis Pasar dalam HBU
1. Produktivitas properti
2. Analisis permintaan atas subjek properti
3. Estimasi manfaat keuangan masing-masing alternatif
Kesimpulan HBU
1. Physical Use
Penggunaan atas properti yang dianalisis secara spesifik
2. Timing For Use
Perkiraan okupansi dimulai
3. Market Participants
Siapa pengguna atau pembelinya
User of Space
Most Probable Buyer
Tanah Kosong Vs Terbangun
Tanah Kosong
: Alternative Possible Use
Tanah Terbangun
Dianggap Kosong (Land as though Vacant)
: bangunannya dihancurkan (demolished)
Bangunan Dibiarkan Apa Adanya
Bangunan ada CRA
Kriteria HBU
Legally Permissible
: Secara aturan tidak bermasalah (zonasi, RTRW, KLB, KDB, dll)
Phisically Possible
: Secara kondisi fisik memungkinkan (luas tanah, bentuk, topografi, kualitas tanah, dll)
Financially Feasible
: Secara keuangan menguntungkan (manfaat, biaya, resiko)
: Analisis Keuangan =
1. Land Residual
2. Feasibility Rent
3. Profitability Index
4. Sales of Comparison Approach by end-user sales
Maximally Productive
: Merupakan pilihan yang paling tinggi (memenuhi 3 kriteria di atas dan dipilih satu yang memiliki nilai tertinggi