MindMap Gallery Tema 3 Kelas 3 Semester 1 Benda di Sekitarku
Tema 3 Kelas 3 Semester 1 Benda di Sekitarku
Edited at 2021-07-19 01:45:20This clear mind map focuses on Indonesia's energy issues, expanding from the current state of energy, trends in change, alternative energy sources to energy-saving measures. Each node further breaks down into policy orientation, technological development, social impact, etc., forming a comprehensive framework for examining Indonesia's energy transition.
Tema 3 Kelas 3 Semester 1 Benda di Sekitarku
This mind map provides a detailed introduction to the various subjects and learning contents of the first semester of third grade SD. In the "Bahasa Indonesia" section, it explains in detail the learning objectives and methods of this subject, as well as the basic language skills that students need to master. In the "Matematika" section, it delves into the core concepts and themes of this subject, as well as their application in real life. In the "PKN" section, it describes in detail the basic principles and teaching strategies of this subject, as well as how to cultivate students' civic awareness and sense of social responsibility.
This clear mind map focuses on Indonesia's energy issues, expanding from the current state of energy, trends in change, alternative energy sources to energy-saving measures. Each node further breaks down into policy orientation, technological development, social impact, etc., forming a comprehensive framework for examining Indonesia's energy transition.
Tema 3 Kelas 3 Semester 1 Benda di Sekitarku
This mind map provides a detailed introduction to the various subjects and learning contents of the first semester of third grade SD. In the "Bahasa Indonesia" section, it explains in detail the learning objectives and methods of this subject, as well as the basic language skills that students need to master. In the "Matematika" section, it delves into the core concepts and themes of this subject, as well as their application in real life. In the "PKN" section, it describes in detail the basic principles and teaching strategies of this subject, as well as how to cultivate students' civic awareness and sense of social responsibility.
Tema 3 Kelas 3Semester 1Benda di Sekitarku
Subtema 1
Bahasa Indonesia
Wujud Benda
Air, Minyak,
Bahan Benda
Kayu : Mudah terbakar, tidak tahan dengan air, tapi murah dan bisa dibentuk
Kaca : Mudah pecah, tembus pandang
Logam : Mahal dan berat, kuat, tahan panas
Karet : Mudah terbakar, elastis mudah dibentuk
Kertas : Mudah terbakar & tidak tahan dengan air, bisa untuk menulis
Plastik : mudah terbakar, bisa dibuat kerajinan, murah bisa tipis
Menghemat Penggunaan Plastik : Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Ukuran panjang : cm : penggaris, meteran
Ukuran berat : KG : timbangan
Memainkan alat musik : piano digital
Subtema 2
Bahasa Indonesia
Sifat benda (memiliki massa & volume (mengisi ruang)
Bentuknya tetap walaupun tempatnya berubah
Dapat digenggam
Bentuknya berubah mengikuti tempatnya
Tidak dapat digenggam
Tidak dapat dilihat
Tidak dapat digenggam
Membuat denah
Subtema 3
Perubahan wujud benda
Padat ke Cair
Es mencair
Cair ke Padat
Air jadi Es
Cair ke Gas
Air kalau direbus lama-lama airnya abis
Padat ke Gas
Kapur barus
Gas ke Cair
Rumput di pagi
Melakukan Percobaan
Melakukan pengamatan wujud mencair
Melakukan percobaan wujud menguap
Membuat pertanyaan dari percobaan
Bahasa Indonesia
Melakukan wawancara
Menyusun cerita
Membuat laporan hasil penelitian
Menuliskan pengalaman sehari
Menghitung Waktu
1 jam = 60 menit
1 Menit = 60 detik
1 jam = 3.600 detik (60x 60)
Menghitung Berat
1 KG = 1.000 gram
1.000 gram = 1 KG
1 KG = 100 ons
Subtema 4
Bahasa Indonesia
Bertani garam
Membuat gambar bercerita
Pemanasan global
Syair lagu
Proses terjadinya hujan
Menggiring bola
Mengubah satuan waktu
Sikap bersatu dalam keluarga & sekolah
Membantu oranglain