Leadership Pathways to Small, Green, Inclusive Learning Communities
Independent Schools
Fee Paying
Progressive fee structureand good bursary system
Reflections Small School, Worthing: - 24 places (Year R, 1 and 2) - Reggio Emilia and Danish Forest School approach - Child is rich in potential, strong, powerful and competent - Enquiry and artistic expression
Park School, Devon, UK: - 47 pupils on roll - Fees based on ability to pay - Human scale, primacy of relationships - Established over 30 years ago
Elite, fees exclude thosefrom low income families
Non-fee paying
Clear mission andevidence of impact - Social and ecological justice
Oaklands Small School, Yorkshire, UK: - Established in 1993, closed 1996 - Charity dependent on grants and voluntary contributions - Transformative for the children who attended
Case Study 3: Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha, Bangladesh: - School boats serve as school bus and classroom, bringing education to the child, even during the monsoon. - Improved access to primary education, particularly for girls - Primary education, human rights, sustainable livelihoods
Financial Sustainability - Fundraising requires time and energy, with no guarantee of success.
Micro Schools (usually 5 - 10 pupils)
Home based
Family Partnership: - Flexi-school for home educating families
Case Study 4: Hove Micro-School, Hove, UK: - Places for 10 children ages 5 - 13 - Mixed age classes (KS1, KS2, KS3) - School fits around the child - Outdoor learning opportunities
Need sufficient facilities to meet Independent School Standards.
Network Leadership: - Values social and ecological justice
Teeton Science Schools, Yellowstone National Park, USA: - Transformative, place based education - Strong commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) - 48% of families receive tuition fee assistance - Child led, small class sizes, learning through experience
For Profits: This space has been co-opted by for profit, low cost private school chains, 'micro'-schools up to 150 pupils, utilising digital learning platforms and 'self directed learning' to drive down teaching costs.
Government / Local Authority Schools
Community (Local Authority)
Curriculum for Wales, 2022: - Interdisciplinary - Values and ethics - Rights and respect - Commitment to sustainability
Case Study 1: Small Primary School in Wales - Approximately 150 pupils on roll - Wellbeing and relationships - Cynefin (a place of many belongings) - Self actualisation and interdependence
Case 1
Rural location: - Small - Outdoor learning / forest schools - Often federated
Milburn Primary School, Cumbria: - Fewer than 10 pupils on roll - Flexi-school - Forest school and swimming - Fundraising by Friends of Milburn School
Forest of Teasdale, Pennines: - Fewer than 10 pupils on roll - Outdoor learning - Eco School (silver) - International School Award
National Curriculum for England - Subject based - 175 pages on English, Maths and Science - 22 pages on all other subjects - Neglects human rights, wellbeing, sustainability.
Church (Voluntary Aided /Voluntary Controlled)
Inclusive Christian Values Promote Social and Ecological Justice
Selside Endowed CE School, Cumbria: - 45 pupils on roll - Nature immersion - Care for each other - Care for the environment - Connected locally and globally
Fixed Orthodox Values
Academy and Free Schools
Academy(22% of English Primaries)
School Leadership: - Courage to do things differently
Oasis Academy Putney, London - 207 pupils on roll - Equality and justice - Transforming (self, local, national, global) - Nature connection, outdoor learning and Eco-School
Performance: - Tend to be focused on raising standards
Size: - Tend to be medium and large - More difficult to prioritise relationships
Free Schools
Legislation supports Democratic Education: - Free school policy rooted in social, democratic freedom
Case Study 2: Den Groenne Friskole, Denmark - 185 pupils on roll (grades 0-9) - For transition to a more equitable and sustainable world - Children are knowledge producers and change agents - Nature immersion
Policy Restrictions: - English Free Schools must be large, minimum 2 form entry (New Schools Network, 2020)