Practical recommendations on how to broaden your skillset. (Alexis Redman + Allison Maxted) [21:01]
Build Knowledge in One Area
Build Knowledge in One Area (Become SME) Better to know a lot about one functional area than lots of little things about varying functional areas or SKU. Spend 30 minutes a week broadening knowledge, stretch yourself by answering questions that require research, stay focused on one
Find a Touchpoint - Broaden Expertise
Tap into and build on foundation knowledge Begin with a strong baseline of understanding of the foundation product Be willing to acknowledge fear, and anxiety as a part of the process of expanding knowledge.
What does Being 'Consultative' mean to You
Empathy (awareness of what is going on in the world and how this impacts our students)Healthy debate, also giving the floor to share opinions Active listening - even when students are frustratedSolutioning - What are the requirements, am I offering a solution based on the requirements and expected deliverables
Next Steps
Schedule TimeTrial and errorTackle Community QuestionsNetworkAttend Knowledge Sharing System | User Group SessionsShadow Peers Revisit and Refine your approach
L5: Evolving Your Relationships with Customers
Connect, build, evolve your customer (student) relationships beyond the basics. (Jean-Cristophe Bardin, Lidia Aguero, Sarah Schwartz) [17:07]Pronouns = 'We' promotes a team atmosphereRead the room are their students that didn't say anything throughout the day... perhaps they have a different style of communicating or learning, bring them into the conversation or simply check-in.
ReadListenCommunicateShow EmpathyHave Fun
Set Boundaries to build healthy relationshipsStudentPeerInstructor/Student
Start Transition from Education to Practical application
Ask for feedback often and regularlyLet others know that you are open to feedback and plan to embrace itLet others know you are working on it, and ask them to hold you accountable
Focus on the Fix
When issues are time-sensitive first and always put the solution firstGo back and determine the root cause - this will mitigate the issue from occurring in the future
Look for Lessons
Not only from a technical aspect but also intrinsicallyFind commonalities that can be shared later on
Share the Learning
When mentoring othersWhen with students
L7: Setting the Stage for Your Best Virtual Performance
Remote Delivery drives engagement. (Meaghan McIntyre, Paul Horning) [15:35]
Empathy & Compassion are Key
Get creative and have fun
Know your collaboration tools Breakout RoomsWhiteboardsPolls
Relationships are the currency that gets you through the challenging moments
How do you create a culture where 'failures' aren't viewed as catastrophic? How does WE build in safety measures to mitigate failure? What tools have you found most successful while delivering virtually? What kind of relationship do you find most suitable with students? What have you done in the past six months to broaden your skills?