MindMap Gallery Mind Map Of Agrarianism

Mind Map Of Agrarianism

This is a Mind Map Of Agrarianism. Agrarianism is a political and social theory that promotes subsistence agriculture, smallholdings, and egalitarianism, with agrarian political parties typically championing the rights and sustainability of small farmers and poor peasants in society against the wealthy. It can refer to the use of financial and social incentives for self-sustainability, more community involvement in food production (such as allotment gardens), and smart growth that avoids urban sprawl and, many of its proponents argue, the risks of human overpopulation; when overpopulation occurs, available resources become too limited for the entire population to survive comfortably or at all in the long run. Agrarianism's intellectual roots may be traced back to European and Chinese philosophers. Agriculturalism was a Chinese school of thought that promoted peasant utopian communalism and egalitarianism. Farmers were respected as productive members of society in Confucianism-influenced communities, whereas merchants who made money were despised. This impacted European thinkers such as François Quesnay, a fervent Confucianist and supporter of China's agrarian practices, in developing the French physiocratic ideology. The physiocrats, together with John Locke's theories and the Romantic Era, laid the groundwork for contemporary agrarianism in Europe and America. You can see more mind map templates that show everything people want to express including history or sociology knowledge or else topics in EdrawMind's community.

Edited at 2022-04-12 08:11:27

Mind Map Of Agrarianism

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