The Chronicles of Narnia (Series)
The Chronicles of Narnia, a series of fantasy of seven children’s books by C.S. Lewis the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (1950), Prince Caspian (1951), The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1952), The Silver Chair (1953), The Horse and His Boy (1954), The Magician’s Nephew (1955), and The Last Battle (1956).
The series revolves around the adventures of children in the world of Narnia, guided by Aslan, a wise and powerful lion that can speak and is the true king of Narnia. The children heavily featured in the films are the Pevensie siblings, and a prominent antagonist is the White Witch (also known as Queen Jadis). Lewis dedicated the first book to his goddaughter Lucy Barfield and gave her name to the fictional Lucy Pevensie, who—with her siblings Peter, Susan, and Edmund—figures as a character in the series.
The adventures in Narnia and develop Lewis’s fantasy world, which is full of detail and atmosphere, populated with animals (such as beavers, mice, and wolves), creatures from Germanic and classical mythology (giants, dwarfs, centaurs, unicorns, fauns, dryads, and numerous others), made-up beings such as the one-footed Dufflepuds (or Duffers) and the tall, web-footed Marsh-wiggles, and children visiting from their everyday world. Narnia is part of the appeal of the stories for children and adults.
Edited at 2022-08-22 10:03:39
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