MindMap Gallery Mind Map of Angels in America
Angels in America is a Drama-based play. Tony Kushner's play Angels in America is divided into two parts. The play offers a deep, critical look at AIDS and homosexuality in 1980s America. Certain supernatural beings, such as angels, or deceased people, depicted as ghosts, are among the cast of characters. The play's first act takes place in New York City between October 1985 and February 1986. Sarah Ironson, an elderly Jewish woman, is buried at the start of the story. Louis Ironson, Sarah's grandson, learns after the funeral that his girlfriend, Prior Walter, has AIDS. At the same time, Joe Pitt, a Mormon Republican clerk working in the same judge's office as Louis, is offered a job in Washington, D.C. by his mentor, McCarthyist lawyer and power broker Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn learns that he has AIDS and is on the verge of death. Roy, who is adamantly averse to making a public confession of his homosexuality, instead informs people that he is suffering from liver cancer. In 1990, the play comes to a close. Prior and Louis are still apart, but Louis, along with Belize, stays near to Prior in order to support and care for him. Prior delivers the play's last lines straight to the audience, assuring them that "The Great Work" will go on.
Edited at 2022-08-23 08:08:15