Central Nervous System (CNS)1. receives and processes information2. initiates action
Brain1. receives and processes sensory information2. initiates responses3. stores memories4. generates thoughts and emotions
Interneuron (association neuron)1. located entirely within CNS2. Short dendrites3. axons long or short 4. converys messages between system parts in CNS
Spinal Cord1. conducts signals to and from the brain2. controls reflex activities
Medulla Oblongata:1. breathing, heartbeat, reflexesCerebrum1. consciousnessThalamus1. gatckeepers to the cerebrum,Cerebellum1. maintaining/ restoring balanceHypothalamus1. maintains the homeostasis2. links the nevous system with the endocrine systemCorpus callosum1. connects the two cerebral hemispheres to share info
1. dilates pupils2. accelerates heartbeat and breathing rate3. inhibits digestive tract blood flow & peristalsis4. increases blood flow to skeletal muscle and CNS
Peripheral Nervous system (PNS)1. transmits signals between the CNS and the rest of the body
Motor Neurons 1. carry signals from the CNS that control the activities of muscles and glands2. short dendrite3. long axon4. cell body positioned inside the CNS
Sensory Neurons1. carry signals to the CNS From sensory organs2. Long dendrite3. short axon4. cell body is outside CHS in ganglia
Somatic Nervous System 1. controls voluntary movements by activating skeletal muscles
Autonomic Nervous Systemcontrols involuntary responsesby influencing organs, glands,and smooth muscle
Somatic Nervous System 1. prepares the body for stressfulor energetic activity2. "fight or flight" response3. neurotransmittre- Noradrenalin
Parasympathetic NervousSystem1. dominates during times of rest2. directs maintenance activities3. neurotransmitter- Acetylcholine