MindMap Gallery How to Learn Things Effectively
This is the mind map about how to learn things effectively to improve productivity.
Mind maps are a great resource to help you study. A mind map can take complex topics like plant kingdom and illustrate them into simple points, as shown above.
Mind maps are useful in constructing strategies. They provide the flexibility of being creative, along with the structure of a plan.
Vitamins and minerals are essential elements of a well-balanced meal plan. They help in ensuring that the body is properly nourished. A mind map can be used to map out the different vitamins a person requires.
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How to Learn Things Effectively
What is Integrated Learning
Structure-about the sum of exercises between certain subjects
Model-Model is the seed of structure
Function-helps creative thinking
The Order of Learning
1. Obtain
2. understanding
3. Expand
i. Deep expansion
ii. Horizontal expansion
iii. Scale up
4. Error correction
5. Apply
5 Common Information
a. Random information
b. Opinion information
c. Process information
d. specific information
e. Abstract information
Develop good habits
Overcome frustration obstacles
Set learning goals and record the learning process
Efficient Learning
Energy management
Don't deliberately learn, learn for the sake of learning
Not procrastination
Organize knowledge
The Skills of Effective Learning
Knowledge acquisition
Practice reading
Active reading
Speed Reading
Contact views
Graph method
Discretionary information processing
Joint ideas
Hook method
Knowledge expansion
Practical application
Model error correction
Project-based learning