MindMap Gallery TRASH
This is a mind map talking about TRASH. You can create a mind map like this effortlessly.
Edited at 2020-09-28 12:54:25Halloween has many faces. The theme you envision should influence how you decorate the party space. Jack-o'-lanterns and friendly ghosts are more lighthearted Halloween characters. Zombies, witches, and vampires are much darker. If you want to celebrate all the fun sides of Halloween, then it’s okay to mesh the cute with the frightening. Here is a mind map which lists down the 39 Cutest Couples Halloween Costumes of 2021.
Halloween simply wouldn't be Halloween without the movies that go along with it. There's nothing like a movie night filled with all the greatest chainsaw-wielding, spell-binding, hair-raising flicks to get you in the spooky season spirit. So, break out the stash of extra candy, turn off all the lights, lock every last door, and settle in for the best of the best Halloween movies. Here are the 35 Halloween movies listed on the mind map based on the year of release.
This mind map contains lots of interesting Halloween trivia, great tips for costumes and parties (including food, music, and drinks) and much more. It talks about the perfect Halloween night. Each step has been broken down into smaller steps to understand and plan better. Anybody can understand this Halloween mind map just by looking at it. It gives us full story of what is planned and how it is executed.
Halloween has many faces. The theme you envision should influence how you decorate the party space. Jack-o'-lanterns and friendly ghosts are more lighthearted Halloween characters. Zombies, witches, and vampires are much darker. If you want to celebrate all the fun sides of Halloween, then it’s okay to mesh the cute with the frightening. Here is a mind map which lists down the 39 Cutest Couples Halloween Costumes of 2021.
Halloween simply wouldn't be Halloween without the movies that go along with it. There's nothing like a movie night filled with all the greatest chainsaw-wielding, spell-binding, hair-raising flicks to get you in the spooky season spirit. So, break out the stash of extra candy, turn off all the lights, lock every last door, and settle in for the best of the best Halloween movies. Here are the 35 Halloween movies listed on the mind map based on the year of release.
This mind map contains lots of interesting Halloween trivia, great tips for costumes and parties (including food, music, and drinks) and much more. It talks about the perfect Halloween night. Each step has been broken down into smaller steps to understand and plan better. Anybody can understand this Halloween mind map just by looking at it. It gives us full story of what is planned and how it is executed.
The kids brought back the money fromthe poor.
The kids accomplished Jose Angelico's goal.
The kids are happy now.
So many people in Mexico are sufferingthrough poverty.
Raphael, Gardo, and Rat never gave up onJose Angelico's wallet, nor did they give upon finding the money that Jose Angelico hadhidden.
There are lies going all over. The kids liedabout the wallet, the letter, and everythingelse that is happening with them.
In the movie, there was a part that Raphaelcould've shot and killed the police who werealways cruel to them, but he didn't. Raphaelseems like he know what is right and what iswrong. He knows that more revenges willstop the peace.
Governments, especially Zapanta, are stealingthe money from the poor and making thecountry worse.
Raphael's unluckylucky day
Raphael found a bag of trash that was not opened. the trash bags that arenot opened mean that they are the good ones when Raphael opened thebag, it had purse and inside the purse there was a fat wallet, an ID card, anda key. In the wallet there was 11 thousand pesos so he shared it with Gardo(Raphael took 600, and Gardo took 500).
The police came to find the purse that Raphael and Gardohad found, but Raphael and Gardo did not give it to the policebecause they thought that the police would not give the pricethat they said they will.
Raphael, Gardo, and Rat went to the station to open the locker and see what's inside. Theytook the train and went to the station. At first when they got there, they met some trashboys. Rat knew who they were so he talked to them as he walked. They were very scaredand nervous that they always looked around if the police was there but fortunately, therewere no police around. They could easily take the envelope and got out of the station. Theyhid behind the bushes and checked what it was inside. It was something related withprisoners.
Raphael was arrested to the police station, when the police men had came.Raphael was very scared, and he kept crying. He was forced to get into thecar, and when they arrived to the police station, Raphael was questioned bythe people. The police kept asking if he had found the purse but Raphael keptlying to them that he did not find it.
Gardo lied to Olivia that he had to goto the prison to meet hisgrandfather.
Raphael and Rat went to Zapanta's house, whichwas gigantic, and heard about Jose Angelico by agardener who worked for a long time in thathouse.
Jose Angelico's story
Jose Angelico was adopted by Dante Jerome, Gabriel Olondirz's son. (Many other kids were adopted with him, too). DanteJerome and Gabriel Olondirz liked him more than the other kids, because he was very smart, so they thought that he wouldget lots of money from him when he grows up. But Jose Angelico did not become a lawyer or something like that, thatwould bring Dante and Gabriel a load of money he became a houseboy who worked in Zapanta's house. One day, forsome reason, he stole thousands of money from Zapanta by putting them in a fridge. He told Zapanta to change the fridgeinto a new one, and said that he would give the old one to the guy who delivered the new fridge. He got on the truck withthe fridge (who is containing money), out of the gates. After this he got arrested and killed during a conference(?) with thepolice.
Gardo, Raphael, and Rat escaped from the dumpsite afterthey heard the police car coming. They were sure that thepolice was searching for them, so they got their money, andran away.
They went to the prison that Gardo went before to meet Gabriel Olondriz. Theywere scared to be caught, but they waited there sitting, searching for the guardfrom there, thinking that he could help them find the bible that Gabriel said hehad before he died (this will be a great clue to find where the fridge that Josehided it). But when they finally met each other, the guard asked for 20 thousandpesos.
To get those 20 thousand pesos, Rat wentto the Mission school, by riding a garbagetruck going to the dumpsite. He sneakedinside the school through the window, andopened the secret cabinet that containeda bit more than 20 thousand pesos.Because Rat felt bad for stealing FatherJulliard's money, he wrote or drew anote that showed some clues that it wasRat himself, the one who did it.
After they got the money, Gardo went tomeet the guard at a restaurant, and he had ahook in his pocket, just in case the guardcalls the police, then he can attack thepeople and run away with the bible. He,Raphael, and Rat also planned a route to tossthe bible to each other and run awayseparately, then meet again at one place.When Gardo went to the restaurant, bothhim and the guard checked what each otherhave got, and traded them. But as the kidshad predicted, the guard called the cops whowere waiting in another tables from thatrestaurant. The guard grabbed his arm tight,but he could run away by hitting the guard'sface (he was not so sure about whereexactly on the face) and ran away. As soonas he got out of the restaurant, he threwthe bible to Rat, and all three of them,including Raphael, ran away form the police.
After they got the bible, they took hard timeto see what the code meant, and when theyfinally found it out, they realized that thecode was telling them to go to the graves.On the day of dead (a big celebration inMexico), they went to the graves andsearched for Jose Angelico's wife's grave.They also took hard time in here, to find theright coffin, but then realized that theywere searching in the part that rich peopleare buried on Earth. The other side of thegrave was for the poor people, who are noteven buried, but just inside a concrete box.
When they found the stack of 3 boxes(obviously, it was from Jose Angelico'sfamily), they saw that the bottom one washis wife's, the middle one was his son's, andthe top one was his daughter's. They wereabout to give up on opening the concretebox with money, feeling very guilty of tryingto steal it from a poor person that had losteverything including his own family. But then,they heard a voice asking them if they aresearching for anything. They answered no,and asked the question, "What's your name?",and her answer was "Pia Dante". She wasJose Angelico's daughter.
Now that they know that the daughter ofJose Angelico is alive, they were sure thatthe top coffin that has the name 'Pia Dante'written is the one with money. They broughtmaterials to break open the concrete boxand some bags to put the money in. Theyasked Pia Dante to wait, and they got themoney as soon as possible. They put all ofthem inside the bag and went out of thegrave with two sacks full of money, and agirl.
That same night they found the money, theywent to the dumpsite, to where they livedbefore. They climbed up the big mountainsof garbage and started throwing money tothe air. When Gardo and Raphael was doingall these throwings, Rat went to the missionschool and placed the money on FatherJulliard's desk.
After all this. they sneaked back out of thedumpsite, and went to a beach. As Rat hasalways wished, they bought a boat and fishedhappily for their rest of the life, with PiaDante.
Behala, Mexico
Smells bad; there are tons of mountains oftrash.
Train Station
Full of station kids (adifferent version of thedumpsite kids).
Police Station
Mission School
Outside, not clear where but certainly notBehala.
The day of dead
14 years old
Dumpsite boy
Worked on dumpsite fromwhen he was 3 years old
Thinks he's brothers with Gardo becausethey know most of things about eachother
14 years old
Dumpsite boy
Was born 7 years earlier than Raphael
Always serious oneverything/does not smile thatmuch
Thinks that Raphael(sometimes) acts like a kid.
Very skinny
Has no family
Lives in the bottom area of the dumpsite;were the rats are. This is why people call himrat.
Has broken teeth.
His real name is JunJun.
Younger than Raphael and Gardo.
Father Juilliard
Have ran the Pascal AguilaMission on Behala dumpsite for7 years.
63 years old
Knows very well with Rat.
There is a rule that you can not give food tokids if it's not time but he brakes that rule togive some food to Rat and some other kids.
A lady from a foreign country, that came toBehala and worked in the Mission Schoolwith Father Juliard.
She left Behala because the police came and asked herabout why she went to the prison and why she met GabrielOlondriz, which made her feel that she shouldn't stay in thereanymore although she got out of the police station safely.
Jose Angelico
He died in the police station when thepolice was questioning him aboutstuff.
He always sent letters toGabriel Olondriz.
Gabriel Olondriz is hisgrandfather.
His ID card, wallet, and keys that were in apurse was found in the garbage (was anaccident).
He tried to steal money fromZapanta but got caught
Gabriel Olondriz
He is in prison.
He is old and verysick.
The reason he is in prison is because he tried to prove thatMr. Zapanta, a government, had stolen thousands of money,and he was full of evidence, but the lawyers had betrayedhim so he was arrested for telling false evidence.
He worked by the dumpsite with hisson, Dante Jerome, and he wasunsalaried.
Pia Dante
Jose Angelico's daughter, Gabriel Olondriz'sgrand daughter.
She is alive, not dead.
She goes to the beach and lives togetherwith Raphael, Gardo, and Rat.
Regis Zapanta
Vice President
Very rich and fat
Lives in an enormoushouse
Frederico Gonz
Makes gravememorials
Has made several stones for thedead son and daughter of JoseAngelico