MindMap Gallery Get Critical- The Blind Side
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This mind map is about Western Front. Start to use a mind map to express and organize your ideas and knowledge right now.
This mind map is about THE SAMPLING PROCESS. Start to use a mind map to express and organize your ideas and knowledge right now.
Get Critical: The Blind Side
Relationships that develop betweencharacters
Michael (Big Mike) -Leigh Anne Touhy
The relationship that was made between LeeAnne and Michael was very special andresulted in the Touhys becoming Michael'slegal guardian.
Leigh Anne and Michael have a verysubstantial relationship in the film, and it isenhanced by the production techniques.Throughout the film, close up shots wereused to show the relationship betweenLeigh Anne and Michael, and theirexpressions towards each other. Fromthe beginning we saw Michael and LeighAnne in a long shot, where both thecharacters were illuminated by lights toshow the initial progression of theirrelationship.
SJ Michael
SJ and Michael had a very big brother, littlebrother relationship from the very beginning.SJ was a very outgoing character whichhelped their relationship develop. SJ andMichael helped each other throughout themovie.
The script greatly impacted the view theaudience had on SJ and Michael'srelationship. The way SJ talked to Michaelwas warm and casual like they were bestfriends and brothers. There are manyscenes with Michael and SJ where theyare happy together and you can see therelationship between them from mediumand close up shots.
Collins -Michael
Collins took longer to warm to the presenceof Michael, as part of the Touhy family.Progressively throughout the film, we seeCollins develop a deeper relationship withMichael, a pivotal point in this relationshipbeing when, Collins left her friendship circleto sit with Michael. At the end of the family,Collins and Michael truly act like brotherand sister, evident when Michael leaves forcollage.
As the movie progresses we see moreacceptance of Michael from Collinsperspective, when Michael is formally asked ifhe wants to become part of the Touhy family,there is a notable glance from Collins toMichael, which will be discussed in productiontechniques.
Miss Sue Michael Oher
Miss Sue and Michael develop a strongrelationship throughout the film; she is not onlyhis tutor, but also an 'advisor' who encouragesMichael to strive for his best. As a result ofthis relationship, Michael gains entry to hiscollege of choice. Miss Sue helps to guideMichael, she helps him to find what he ispassionate about.
The trust relationship that Michael and MissSue developed was conveyed a lot throughthe script and the camera angles. Close upshots were used to capture facial expressionswhich enhanced the script.
Sean Touhy and Leigh AnneTouhy
One could say that Sean and Leigh AnneTouhy, have a greater relationship with eachother after the introduction of Michael into theirlife. The mood of the relationship is happierand natural, it is no longer the 'finer' thingsthat make them happy, but rather their abilityto help Michael. Leigh Anne shares a specialconnection with Michael, but Sean does notsuffer due to this, if anything both Sean andLeigh Anne are now in a happier, and morecohesive relationship.
Sean and Leigh Anne Touhy develop theirrelationship throughout the film, and the waythey are filmed, gives the viewer a greaterempathy for their relationship. They becomehappier as Michael becomes more involvedin their family, and this happiness is shownin the form of wording in the scripts and theway they express themselves when talkingof Michael.
How characters develop and change:Their own decisions, motivations, whatinfluences them
Michael Ohre
He dramatically improves his football
He improves his football as a result of SJtraining him and Mrs Touhy explaining thegame to him, in a way he canunderstand. This is not only due to LeighAnne, and her explanations, but alsobecause of his situation in the team, hehas become part of a team, a family, andwith that he learns the responsibility ofbeing on a team.
Sound enhanced Michael's improvement infootball for whenever he did something good,there was positive and happy music. Theimprovement was also evident in the othercharacter's facial expressions. Their facesshowed a lot about his rapid improvement infootball.
Not only does he improve his football, due tothe constant support of SJ, but also LeighAnne. Leigh Anne helps him to express hisskills, whilst training was essential it was themental changes, that helped him to improvehis football.
Leigh Anne not only gives Michael anunderstanding of his 'skills' and how apositive mindset influences this, doing this,she also shows us what causes an influenceon Michael, the audience begins to learn moreabout what motivates Michael's decisions.
He opens up during the Movie
He experiences kindness and trust he is notaccustomed to through the Touhy family.He develops a sense of trust and belongingas he becomes closer to the Touhy family.
This is mainly due to thedecisions of Mrs Touhy andhis teachers to try and getthe best out of him and helphim succeed. His peers arethere to support him, andwhen he feels the support ofhis peers, he is able tobecome more comfortable.
This is a gradual process that happens overthe course of the film and it is therefore hardto identify specific production techniques.
Leigh Anne Touhy
Empathy of an issue, which influences herdecisions
Leigh Anne gains an insight into the life ofMichael, which in due course changes hers.Before meeting Michael, she was lacking adiverse knowledge of other people, otherthan those in her 'closely-knit' community.Her motivation and influences developed asshe became 'closer' with Michael, and thisthen affected the development of her ownunique character.
The production techniques show a transitionof Leigh Anne's empathy of other issues,other than the world that she has becomeaccustomed to. When she is discussing herthoughts of Michael with her coffee friends,he view is highlighted, and then the view ofthe other woman is shown in their close-upshots. This shows how they react to LeighAnne's news, and how Leigh Anne perceivesthem to react to her news.
She developsintegrity
She develops this integrity over a period oftime form when she lets Michael Ohre into herhouse to when she legally adopts it. Bybecoming closer to Michael she sympathiseswith his situation. She has greater moralprinciples, because her eyes have beenopened to something she hadn't previouslyconsidered.
This can be seen when Mrs Touhy has anargument with her friends at lunch, regardingMichael staying with her. She is morepassionate about Michael, she no longersees him as just a person 'staying' in herhouse, but a son.
In the scene where Leigh Anne developsintegrity, a range of production techniques areused. When Leigh Anne is meeting with herfriends for lunch, when she announces thenews that Michael is becoming a significantmember of the family, the woman are shockedand we see a close up of their facialexpressions and then how Leigh Anne reactsto this. There is no music prevalent in thebackground, meaning that our attention isjust drawn to the verbal matter of theconversation.
Coach Cotton
Develops an understanding of players andpeople's differences
He develops and understanding of playersand people differences, from lee anne sheshows him how Michael will perform betterand what his big interest are. He decidesto change because its for the better of theteam knowing what there strengths andweaknesses are. Motivation was a reallybig influence in his decision to change, hewas really motivated doing anything tohelp the team win the competition.
Coach Cotton expresses hisunderstanding of other playersthrough his body language andfacial expressions. Whenever hespoke to the team, it was eithera close up shot or a mediumshot so that either his face wasemphasised or his bodylanguage.
Key events/moments that develop
First time Coach Cotton saw him playingBasket ball
The first time the coach saw Michael playingbasketball, not only did it influence hisposition to the school, but it also developedhis character to the audience. This was thefirst time, we gained an insight into the lifeof Michael, but was also the beginning ofthe relationship between Michael and hiscoach to be.
This moment was demonstrated by thecamera angle in the perspective of the coach.There were also close ups of the Coach'sface as he realised how good Michael was atbasketball.
Michael is found by the Touhy's on the street
This moment is a key influential event in themovie. This moment starts the relationshipsbetween Michael and the Touhys. Due tothis experience, Leigh Anne gains a greaterempathy for those in different and lessfortunate situations, as the ones she hasbecome accustomed to.
In this scene the scene is set outside duringthe evening, and therefore it is dark. Michael iswalking down the road, and is illuminated bythe light of the BMW. We see a shot whereboth Leigh Anne and Michael and included inthe frame of the camera, and the viewer cansee how SJ is looking at the scene, as theyuse a camera angle from behind his head.What emphasises the scene, is the fact thatwhilst the scene is set in a dark environment,both Leigh Anne and Michael stand out due tothe light of the car.
Christmas Card
The Christmas card photo shoot at mademichael feel a part of the family, it alsopublicly showed the Tough's friends andfamilies that he is not just a charity case, buthe has become a more permanent part of thefamily.
The Christmas Scene is set in the Touhyresidence, and we see the family situated infrom of the fire place with a professionalphotographer ready to take their photo. Thecamera then does a close up in Michael, whilstLeigh Anne asks him to join in, this shows theemotion of Michael and the happiness. As aviewer we can see that Michael is happy to bepart of the family photograph.
Michael is officially adopted
When Michael is adopted by the Touhys, itmakes him become a more official part of thefamily. This is when we see the biggestchange in Michael's confidence. He now hasa permanent place to live, and a family whowill look after him. This is a big adjustment forMichael, but he goes about it in a relaxedmanner 'I can't imagine being any placeelse.'
When Michael was formally adopted by theTouhy's, the producers have used a close upshot on all the characters, to show how eachof the characters are impacted by thisdecision.
First American Football game
The first American Football game is amonuments occasion, for both Michael and theTouhy Family. After weeks of training, we seeMichael enter the field and begin what wasinitially to be a tough game. Michael draws onhis past experiences to ensure that they teamworks cohesively, and this is followed by greatsuccess, not only in regards to the gameoutcome, but also in terns of confidence.
There were a lot of sound effects in this scenethat complimented the intense mood of thescene. There were also long shots used so theaudience can see everything going on in thegame. These were used in conjunction withmedium shots so the audience could focus onwhat Michael was doing.
First training session (where LeighAnne explains the game toMichael)
The training session where Leigh Anneexplains the game to Michael was veryimportant because it showed Michael wherehe belonged in the team. Prior to this Michaelwas confused about his role in the team, LeighAnne explained what Michael was meant to doin a relevant way to him, which helped himand revealed his talent in football.
The training sessions had a good use ofnarrative script for it was effective andsymbolic. The close up shots alsocomplimented the script because theaudience could see Leigh Anne's face whileshe tried to explain to Michael his place in theteam and the audience could also seeMichael's reactions and responses to whatLeigh Anne is telling him. It makes theaudience feel like they are a part of theconversation.
Drafted into the NFL
Being drafted into the NFL was a milestone forMichael, he was reached a goal, through hardwork and resilience. We see Michael growingas a character throughout the film, but it isonly here that we see the transition fromschool touch football to NFL. All his work withthe family and with his team, has ultimatelybeen in anticipation of this one event. Thismarks the end of one 'chapter' but opensmany others.
Michael is broadcasted when he formallychoses a team, which he will play for in theNFL. He is sitting in front of three team caps,and the producers have intentionally focusedon his hand moving from hat to hat, until one isselected, and then a close-up shot of Michaelis used to show his facial expressions.