# [Irony creates suspense](https://mm.tt/1611770472)
For our last way to show irony
Another example of irony is
In the story Lamb of the Slaughter ironyoccurs alot. and some of the examplesare
"She Loved to luxuriate in the presence of this man."(380) This is ironic because it says that the women lovesto be with the man but in the end she ended up killinghim.
"As the wife of a detective, she knew quite well what the penaltywould be" (382). Rationale The author chose this because to getreaders attention, and to show that she is good in covering thingsand smart she knows what steps to make so she wouldn't getcaught.
"probably right under our very noses. what youthink, jack?" (386) This is a ironic because they areeating the weapon that was used to kill herhusband
" I think so, " she sobbed. " He's lying on the floor and Ithink He's dead"(383). This is ironic because she killed himand she knew he was dead but she was acting like she didntknow what happened.
... and some great ideas too!
"She wants us to finish it. She said so. Be doing her afavor." pg (386) This is ironic because that was the murderweapon they were looking for but they ended up eating it.Destroying their chances of finding the weapon.
"how about afterwards? what you going to give him forafterwards?"(383) this is ironic because the store ownerdoesnt know he is dead but she does.It creats suspense tothe story.
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