MindMap Gallery SWOT Analysis of a Daycare
This is a mind map about SWOT.
adverbs of frequency
Marketing Coordinator Resume
Production Assistant Resume Samples
Top10 Education Quotes
Party schedule
Personal Resume Examples Designer
Forms of corruption
Pharmacist Resume Samples
Sequences and Series
SWOT Analysis of a Daycare
Lack of Exposure
New to Market place
No reputaion or presence
Team of Staff members required
Selection and Training of Staff members
Lack of competitive strength
Cost of Advetising
Realiability of Data
Ongoing costs of maintainingcustomized vehicle
Ongoing costs of required stock
Lack of initial Cash Flow
Start up costs
Already loyal client base
Oil prices increasing
increased cost on business
Increased cost of living
Lack of demand due tohousehold budget cuts
Seasonality, weather effects,heavy rain or heat
Loss of income if sick, injured,or during holidays
Carbon Tax
Niche market ofaffluent yet timepoor professionals,FIFO, DINK's,Retires and theElderly
Increase in demand for Work/Life balance
Growth through additional staff
Potenial to Franchise
Strong customer base in target market
Greater earningsdue todemographics oftarget market
Offering a unique variety of tailored packages;that cater to the needs of our client’s busylifestyle.
Fresh face on the market
Offer a higher quality service and product
Customer focussed, and love Dogs
Trained and motivated staff
All staff have a Police clearance.
Start up costs low
Can work from home
Mobile business
New node
Market research
Client demographics