MindMap Gallery Pre-Approved Loan
A pre-approved loan is a financial product offered by banks and financial institutions to their customers, providing them with a predetermined loan amount based on their creditworthiness and financial history. This mind map will explore the various aspects of pre-approved loans. By visually mapping out these components, the mind map will provide a comprehensive understanding of pre-approved loans and help individuals make informed decisions when considering this financial option.
Edited at 2022-03-25 07:58:53Pre Approved Loan
NEW: ios-preApproved-rma-core
NEW: ios-preApproved-fma-core
Fetch Pre Approved Loan Detail to prefilled values in respective UI.
User can fill the Loan Details.
Verify user's Pan Card.
Fetch User Data to respective values in Textfields.
User can select the account from the dropdown view to which the loan amount will be credited.
User can select the EMI Date.
User can select the account from the dropdown view from which the loan amount will be Debited.
Success screen will be shown.
Marvel Design
Product App
EXISTING: ios-home-fma-core
dbxp-ios-profile (Get User Info)
Get User Details API contains current user address.
EXISTING: ios-verifyPanCard-rma-core
API - Get User Bank accounts
TBD- In which RMA is this API listed?
API - Get Currencies
TBD- In which RMA is this API listed?
Submit Loan (loan/pre-approved/submit)
Request- { "bearerCode": "android", "language": "en", "persistenceData": { "loanDetails": { "loanType": 1, "loanOfferId": 1, "loanAmount": 1000000, "requiredTenure": 12, "tenureType": 2, "interest": 6.5, "feeType": 1, "processingFee": 6.5, "processingFeeAmount": 2000, "discountType": 1, "discount": 6, "discountedFeeAmount": 5000, "currencyId": 1 }, "personalDetails": { "name": "rohan", "dob": "12-03-1994", "mobile": "9494244929", "panNumber": "DWSP123R", "toAccountNumber": "12031994", }, "emiDetails": { "fromAccountNumber": "12031994", "emidate": "4" }, "flowType": "pre-approved-loan-apply", "status": "initiated", "userId": "US.123456.23", "userIdentifier": 773916652, "flowId": "c46c6632-108e-438c-8b68-c955f0aa5e68" } }
Response- { "serviceRequestId": "ac55af80-d010-42d8-90f3-b5d8891a8612", "serviceFlow": "APPLYPREAAPROVEDLOAN", "message": "Amount will be disbursed soon", "amount":"500000", "creditAccountNo":"123456", "timeToCredit":"2 Hours" "responseCode": "200", "status": "SUCCESS", "transactionTimeStamp": "2022-01-27 5:21:22" }
Initiate Loan Application - Step 1 (loan/application/initiate)
Request- { "bearerCode": "WEB", "language": "en", "persistenceData": { "additionalDetails": { "personalDetails": { "name": "rohan", "dob": "12-03-1994", "mobile": "9494244929", "email": "rohan@gmail.com", "panNumber": "DWSP123R", "language": "en" } }, "flowType": "self-apply-loan", "status": "initiated", "userId": "US.123456.23", "userIdentifier": "773916652" } }
Response- { "flowId": "ac55af80-d010-42d8-90f3-b5d8891a8611" }
Fetch loan details (loan/pre-approved{offerId})
Request- Query Parameter - offerId
Response- { "maxAmount": 1100000, "minAmount": 100000, "interest": 12.5, "maxtenure": 3, "mintenure": 1, "serviceRequestId": "ac55af80-d010-42d8-90f3-b5d8891a8602", "serviceFlow": "PREAPPROVEDLOAN", "responseCode": "200", "status": "SUCCESS", }
Fetch list of pre approved loans (loan/pre-approved)
Request- None , Data fetched based on the Auth Token
Response- { "loanTypes": [ { "loanID": "101", "loanType": "Personal", "maxAmount": 110000 }, { "loanID": "102", "loanType": "Home", "maxAmount": 3000000 }, "serviceRequestId":"ac55af80-d010-42d8-90f3-b5d8891a8fc01", "serviceFlow": "PREAPPROVEDLOANS", "responseCode": "200", "status": "SUCCESS", }
Fetch Application Draft (loan/application/getSavedApplication/{flow-type}/{user-id} loan/application/getSavedApplication/{flow-type}/{flow-Identifier} loan/application/getSavedApplication/{flowId})
Request- Auth Token
Response- { "bearerCode": "android", "language": "en", "persistenceData": { "loanDetails": { "loanType": 1, "loanOfferId": 1, "loanAmount": 1000000, "requiredTenure": 12, "tenureType": 2, "interest": 6.5, "feeType": 1, "processingFee": 6.5, "processingFeeAmount": 2000, "discountType": 1, "discount": 6, "discountedFeeAmount": 5000, "currencyId": 1 }, "personalDetails": { "name": "rohan", "dob": "12-03-1994", "mobile": "9494244929", "panNumber": "DWSP123R", "toAccountNumber": "12031994", }, "flowType": "pre-approved-loan-apply", "status": "initiated", "userId": "US.123456.23", "userIdentifier": 773916652, "flowId": "c46c6632-108e-438c-8b68-c955f0aa5e68" } }
Save Application as Draft (loan/application/saveAsDraft)
Request- { "bearerCode": "android", "language": "en", "persistenceData": { "loanDetails": { "loanType": 1, "loanAmount": 1000000, "requiredTenure": 12, "tenureType": 2, "interest": 6.5, "feeType": 1, "processingFee": 6.5, "processingFeeAmount": 2000, "discountType": 1, "discount": 6, "discountedFeeAmount": 5000, "currencyId": 1 }, "personalDetails": { "name": "rohan", "dob": "12-03-1994", "mobile": "9494244929", "panNumber": "DWSP123R", "toAccountNumber": "12031994", }, "flowType": "pre-approved-loan-apply", "status": "initiated", "userId": "US.123456.23", "userIdentifier": 773916652, "flowId": "c46c6632-108e-438c-8b68-c955f0aa5e68" } }
Response- { "message": "Saved as draft", "flowId":"c46c6632-108e-438c-8b68-c955f0aa5e68" }
Resume Loan Application - Step 2 (loan/application/resume)
Request- { "bearerCode": "android", "language": "en", "persistenceData": { "loanDetails": { "loanType": 1, "loanOfferId": 1, "loanAmount": 1000000, "requiredTenure": 12, "tenureType": 2, "interest": 6.5, "feeType": 1, "processingFee": 6.5, "processingFeeAmount": 2000, "discountType": 1, "discount": 6, "discountedFeeAmount": 5000, "currencyId": 1 }, "personalDetails": { "name": "rohan", "dob": "12-03-1994", "mobile": "9494244929", "panNumber": "DWSP123R", "toAccountNumber": "12031994", }, "flowType": "pre-approved-loan-apply", "status": "initiated", "userId": "US.123456.23", "userIdentifier": 773916652, "flowId": "c46c6632-108e-438c-8b68-c955f0aa5e68" } }
Response- { "flowId":"c46c6632-108e-438c-8b68-c955f0aa5e68" }