Process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities,
its changing marketing opportunities.
coparative level
1。 defining company mission
mission statement
show the company objectibve
show what company need to do to accomplish in the larger enviroment
Market-oriented and defined in terms of satisfying customer needs
need to defined
what is our business
who are our costomer
what should our company be
2. setting company objective and goals
one goals
Statements a business makes regarding its future.
Goals are general.
“We seek to become the largest maker of bicycles in the world”.
two objective
business objective
Measurable step people take to achieve that goal.
Objectives are specific.
“We will increase our sales of bicycles by 2.5% each quarter of this year. We will open new branches and factories in Germany and France during the next twelve months.
management objective
Set by business when promoting its products or services to potential consumers.
3.designing business portfolio
refer add
marketing level
4.planing marketing and other funtional strategic
refer add
management level
upper management
coperatetive level
middle management
management level
ex:general manager
lowwer management
funtional level
ex: funtioner manager
Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix
refer add
Managing marketing process
Marketing Analysis
SWOT Analysis
internal positive=strengeths
internal negative=weakness
external positivel =oppotunity
external negative=htreats
what it wants to do with each business unit.
Involves choosing marketing strategies
A detailed marketing plan
Turning marketing strategies and plan into marketing actions
Marketing Department Organization
Functional organization
Geographic organization
Product management organizatio
Market or customer management
Combination Organization
evaluating the results of marketing strategies and plans and
taking corrective actions
Operating control
Checking ongoing performance
Strategic control
company’s basic strategies are well
matched to its opportunities.
should re-assess its marketing strategies & programs from time-to