MindMap Gallery Mental Health And Wellbeing
This is a mind map that contains information about mental health. Start to use a mind map to express and organize your ideas and knowledge right now.
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general surgery
chronic asthma
congestive heart failure
nursing management for dextroa
development of a virtual platform
autonomic nervous system
Systems of Human Body
Fruit for Patient
Mental Health And Wellbeing
Psychological WellBeing
depends on an individual’s psychologicalhealth depends on his positive functioningin certain aspects of his life
Hedonic Approach
focuses on happiness and defineswellbeing in terms of pleasure attainmentand pain avoidance
Eudemonics Approach
focuses on meaning and self realization
Mentally Healthy Persons
Feel comfortable about themselves
Feel right about other people
Able to meet the demands of life
Mental Illness
Symptoms commonly show up as:
Physiological responses
Positive Mental Health
Positive Attitude Towards Self
accepting one's strengths and weaknesses
Growth, Development & Selfactualization
maintaining an equilibrium & balancebetween various life processes
ability to perform in an independent &selfdirected manner
Perception of Reality
ability to see environment withoutdistortion
Environmental Mastery
ability to achieve a satisfactory role within agroup