MindMap Gallery Google History Timeline
Discover all the latest about our products, technology, and Google culture in this Google history timeline.
purchase ordering workflow
lean innovation with kanban
Project Management Process
Drivers of Changes in Selling and Sales Management
profit tree example
human resource management
External Environment influences on Apple
How to Be Your Own Boss
Comparing the world's 3 leading water tools
Bending The Freshwater Biodiversity Curve - An Emergency Recovery Plan
Google's Timeline
Development of basic technology
Launch of search engine
Attachments like gmail and classroom come later
Search is launched in 13 new languages
Launches search cateogries, like:
Google Books
Google News
Google Scholar
2002 onwards
The beginning of explicitly announced search algorithm updates
Faster search experience for user:
Google Suggest
Google Instant
Google Instant Previews
2005, 2009, 2012
Google starts using web histories to help in searches (2005)
Experimentally launches social search (2009)
Launches Search Plus Your World (2012)
Caffine update for faster indexing of the web and fresher and on-topic search results.
Released Google Panda
With Panda, Google's goal was to include cracking down on spam, content farms, scrapers, and websites with a high ad-to-content ratio
Google integrates Google Knowledge Graph into its search results