MindMap Gallery WSJF from SAFe
Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) is a prioritization model used to sequence jobs (eg. Features, Capabilities, and Epics) to produce maximum economic benefit.
Mind maps are a great resource to help you study. A mind map can take complex topics like plant kingdom and illustrate them into simple points, as shown above.
Mind maps are useful in constructing strategies. They provide the flexibility of being creative, along with the structure of a plan.
Vitamins and minerals are essential elements of a well-balanced meal plan. They help in ensuring that the body is properly nourished. A mind map can be used to map out the different vitamins a person requires.
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WSJF from SAFe. Let's prioritize right way!
Weighted Shortest Job First
prioritization model used to sequence jobs (Features, Capabilities, and Epics) to produce maximum economic benefit
is used to prioritize backlogs by calculating the relative CoD and job size
Cost of delay (COD) /Job duration (size)
Cost of Delay
User-business value
What is the relative value to the customer or business?
Do our users prefer this over that?
What is the revenue impact on our business?
Is there a potential penalty or other negative impact if we delay?
Time criticality
How does the user/business value decay over time?
Is there a fixed deadline?
Will they wait for us or move to another solution?
Are there Milestones on the critical path impacted by this?
What is the current effect on customer satisfaction?
Risk reduction-opportunity enablement value
What else does this do for our business?
Does it reduce the risk of this or a future delivery?
Is there value in the information we will receive?
Will this feature enable new business opportunities?
Job Duration
Planning Poker
Create a Matrix: The job with the highest WSJF is the next most important job to do
use Fibonacci sequence to our estimates